Chapter 19.

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I'm hungry, but writing...

Hawks' POV

It's been a week since that night, patrolling the streets, haven't been hearing from Dabi, looking around, a feather noticing movement, flinching I soar over, jet speed towards the location.
Turning a corner, flapping my wings to a settle stop, flowing I glance over at a lowlife villain trying to rob a purse, sighing using some of my feathers gathering the shirt of the villain, bring the purse to my hand.
Suddenly hearing scream, flinches turning down to see a fan, blinking, I awkwardly wave at them.
Welp this is awkward...

(Small time skip)

Landing on a roof of a building, looking at my phone, checking my messages, suddenly a call pops up, flinching looking straight at the caller.
Answering it.
"Hello-" He immediately cuts me off, "GET OVER HERE NOW!" He shouts, forcing me to move my phone away from my ear.
"Can you not shout-" He cuts me off again, "VILLAINS ARE ATTACKING, NO TIME TO TALK JUST GET OVER HERE NOW!" He shouts again, closering my ear with my hand.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, JUST SEND ME YOUR LOCATION!" I shout back, hanging up, looking down to his location, spreading my wings, feathers flows.
I take off towards Endeavor, flying over streets, buildings.
The smell of smoke engulfs me, wincing quickly covering my nose.
Well I guess I go that way...
Turning, flying closer to the smoke in view, spreading my feathers around the surrounding areas for citizens that got innocently invited.
Smoke surrounding me as I got closer to the scene, coughing, slightly looking around.
Suddenly flames cross me, flinching I quickly dodge it by turning sideways barely hitting my wings, I sped up.
Looking around, landing on a building, helping the citizens, escape.
Locking eyes on Endeavor's red flames, he glances at me.
"HAWKS!" He shouts, I wave at him, feathers carrying broken building parts.
"SCAN THE AREA WITH THOSE FEATHERS OF YOURS!" He shouts, blasting flames at a nomu, blinking.
"I ALREADY HAVE, WHY DID SOMETHING HAPPEN WHEN I WASN'T HERE?" I shout back at him, he glances back at me.
"YES, SHOTO MAY HAVE GOTTEN KIDNAPPED!?" He shouts, reply, wincing my eyes widen, remembering what Dabi said.
"No way..." I mumble soon spreading my wings, ready to take off.
"He couldn't have...he was in pain about it?" I thought, taking off, Endeavor watching me, soar over him.
I could hear him shout at me, glancing at him for a second, then away.
"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" I shout, reply, speding up my paste.
Scanning from above the chaos soon my eyes lock on, stopping at Shoto's ice.
"He's-" I cut myself off, stopping landing, my eyes wide.
Looking at the flames and ice surrounding, glancing at Shoto holding someone close to him, tears in his eyes.


Shoto holding him, Dabi bleeding out, I quickly rush to them.
Shoto flinches, look at me.
"Hey, don't worry I'm here to help!" I say reassuring him, Dabi head bleeding, chest as well leg.
Moving closer.
"What happened?" I asked Shoto, he glances off Dabi turning his eyes to me.
"He protected me from a nomu, then..." He hesitated to finish, before he could continue I cut him off, "Don't need to say anything more, I'll take him..." I say, putting my arms out, Shoto moving Dabi over to me, I now holding Dabi in my arms, bridge style.
Sudden blast, Shoto turning his attention to a nomu approaching us, my eyes look over, Shoto puts a hand on me.
"Please go, I'll be a distraction!" He says, letting go of me, I wince.
"Kid if you-" He cuts me off, "I'll be fine, NOW GO!" He says, loudly, blasting fire at the nomu, getting its attention on him.
Spreading my wings, I soon take off.

Dabi's POV

(Hours before this occurred)

Leaning on the bar table, a drink now placed next to me, flinching I glances up at Kurogiri.
"Something on you're mind?" He asks, reaching over to another glass, cleaning it, I look away.
"It don't matter..." I say, taking the drink, holding it, he glances at me as he cleans.
"I deny that..." He says, watching the ice move on the drink from in the glass.
"Why do you care?" I ask him, glancing at him, he sighs.
"I care about you and everyone here, Tomura, Toga, Twice...etc...they all of problems they face, talking about helps change..." He says, I glance back onto the glass, swirling it.
"Swear you'll keep your mouth shut?" I say demanding, his eyes focused on his cleaning.
"Of course..." He replied, I sigh.
"Well, you know Endeavor the NO. 1 hero?" I say, moving the drink to my mouth.
"Yes?" He says, turning his full attention to me, taking a sip of the drink, moving it away.
"He's old man...and the newest mission of you know...killing his youngest son or say my brother..." I hesitate to finish, "...I don't know if I could kill him..." I add, he places the glass down into a sink.
"I understand, having to do things that may not be right, thinking of changing your ideals, unsure of your place..." He says, soon adds, "but when the time comes you'll know what to do then and it maybe the right choose..." He says, my attention on him, then away.
"What if I choice the wrong choose...?" I say, he turns.
"You'll know..." He says, I glance at him, the ice, water melting the bar counter, turning it a different shade.

(Small time skip)

Readying for the attack, I lean against a wall, Toga prancing around, knife in hand.
I sigh, she turning her attention to me.
"What's wrong Dabs ain't you excited!?" He says, popping at me, wincing I narrow my eyes to her.
"Well...I guess you could say that?" I replied, she tilts her head, soon placing her hand gently on my arm.
"You know if there's something else on your mind, you could always come to me..." She says softly, reassuring tone, looking at her soon away to the floor.
"I know..." I say, soon we both winces to hearing Spinner's voice.
I sigh, moving off the wall, having Toga move her hand away, as I walk I place both my hands in my pockets of my coat, one of my hands fiddling Hawks' feather.
Toga following next to me, skipping. we go...


Bleeding out, my eyes flutter open slightly, my eyes on Hawks.
Coughing, making Hawks flinch his attention to me.
"YOUR AWAKE!?" He shouts shaky, moving my hand slightly, glancing at the blood.
I'mma die...
Hawks now focusing on where we are going, smoke everyone, chaos surrounding us from below.
Glancing up at Hawks, my sight blurry from the loss of blood.
"K-Keigo..." squeaked out, his eyes widen, my eyes blur, color, hearing fading, blacking out last thing I heard...


That's was long and emotional!
I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!
Hope to be see you all in the next one, BYE!

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