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I hate hospitals I've been here for hours and I haven't heard a thing or seen a doctor or nurse.
I bit at my lip in anticipation as I paced across the waiting room floor. My mind was all over the place, I never prayed so much in one day.

"Brandi." Miss Gladys called walking into the waiting room with Naheem, MrNelly, Black and two other girls. "Have you heard anything yet?"

"No ma'am not yet." I shook my head.

"These dang hospitals take all day and a night just to see someone." She fussed sitting in an open seat.

"Wasup Brandi." Naheem smiled giving me a hug.

"Hey Heem, how you doin?"

"I'd be better after I find out how my brother is doin."

"We all would."

Looking past him a girl stood a little behind him with a cold glare as she watched me and Heem talk. I wasn't about to deal with no mess or a young girl who didn't know better so I decided to be a bigger woman instead of being the old Brandi who would bop anybody for looking at me any type of way.

"Hi, I think ive seen you before but wasn't formally introduced, I'm Brandi Braylen girlfriend." I smiled.

"Hi." She replied giving me a small grin. "Cyniah."

"Girlfriend?" Everybody spoke at the same time.

"Wooh lawd! It took yall long enough to figure out whatever body else knew. We knew yall be together eventually. Y'all both were to stubborn to see it for y'all yall selves. Miss.Glayds chuckled.

"Yeah, i know." I giggled looking over at the girl standing beside her.

"Brandi, you remember Braylen's little sister Trinity dont you?"

"Wow I haven't seen her in years." I nodded looking at her. "Hey boo." I waved.

Just by looking at her i could feel the vibe from her that she's been through some things. I gave her a smile as i sat next to Miss. Gladys.

"The family of Braylen White." The doctor in a white coat spoke walking into the waiting area with a stupid grin and a clipboard in his hand.

"Yes." We all stood.

"Braylen is doing well, hes in recovery we removed the bullets. One of the bullets was very close to his heart its amazing hes alive that was a large chance removing it from that tissue. He was also shot in his shoulder and leg as well in due time he will be 100% back to himself hes very strong. We have him sedated he should be waking up soon if you all would like to go back to see him.


I sat on the couch across from his bed scrolling through instagram as i noticed him moving around. Tossing my phone next to me i stood walking beside his bed as his eyes began to open.

A look of confusion plastered his face as his eyes roamed around the room. "Where am i?"

"In the hospital, i guess you thought you was 50cent gettin shot more than once and shit." I said as we laughed.

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