Chapter 3

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Nino, Alya and Marinette burst into their classroom, arms slung around each others shoulders, laughing their heads off like they were drunk. They'd been cracking jokes about Queen Chloe, Princess Sabrina and King Adrien as they staggered to class - turns out walking is hard when you're attached to three people. The class stared at them like they were a bunch of lunatics, luckily they were a bit early and their teacher hadn't arrived yet.

"What are you nerds laughing about?" Chloe asked.

"None of your business Queen Chloe" Marinette said removing herself from Nino and Alya so she could courtesy in front of Chloe. She then moved to Sabrina "Goodmorning princess Sabrina" She bowed. Then she walked down the aisle to find Adrien in the seat next to hers. 'Was he always going to sit here now?' She thought annoyed. And to top it all off he was sitting right in the middle of the row leaving no space for her "I'm not that small you know" she said urging him to move. He ignored her. "Umm hello?" She clicked in front of his face a few times.

"What do you want dumbass?" He murmered taking out wireless earphones. 'Oh that makes sense' Marinette thought, she hadn't noticed his earphones they were covered by his thick blonde locks of hair.

"Dumbass?" Marinette said thoughtfully "that's a new nickname I think"

He rolled his eyes. "What do you want?"

"I want you to move" Marinette said.

"And I want you to shut up" Adrien said.


The whole class had turned to watch the scene.

He eventually put his earphones back in and ignored her as he hummed to the tune of his music.

"You stink" She said.

"What was that?" He removed an earphone.

"I said you stink" Marinette said "I think you need some Adrien... the fragrance"

"Seriously Marinette?" He said hoping everyone would forget about the ad.

Marinette pulled out a small 50ml perfume from her bag and sprayed it on him. The class snickered.

"MARINETTE" he was fuming.

"Don't you wanna smell radiant, carefree, dreamy..." She sang.

He slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her from continuing.

"Mmmm mmm mmm" She mumbled.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He said.

"Mmmmm mm"
"Didnt quite hear you?"
"Louder please?"

The class laughed at the two of them they were so cute. "Is it just me or are they totally falling for eachother?" Alix asked.

"Yeah they're falling for eachother" Nino and Alya said in unison.

"One more time"
"Mmmm mm MMM"

"You guys argue like a married couple" Nino said smirking.

Adrien sent the boy a death stare. Nino gulped.

"So as you were saying Mari" Adrien said.

"What you never gave me a nickname?!" Chloe screeched.

"Shut it Bourgeois" Alya said. "Let the lovebirds have their moment"

Chloe puffed her cheeks.

"Come on spit it out" Adrien said to Marinette. He didn't expect her to take it that literally though. She spat on his hand and he immediately removed it. "Ewwww" he said.

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