"Y u on PictoChat at 2:30 am?"

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hi hehe i hope you enjoy my story 😌😌 Also, addressing this now, I know you can only talk on PictoChat if you're within a 30-100 ft distance from each other. But for this story, we're completely throwing that fact out the window because 🤩plot convenience🤩 You can be very far away from each other in this story and it will still work.

~ F I R S T P E R S O N D E K U ~

2:00 AM.

I haven't slept for over 48 hours.

I need to sleep.

Let me sleep.

Is it something I'm doing? Why won't my brain shut up?

Maybe because it's too busy insulting me to let me sleep.

All I'm able to think about at night is embarrassing things I did in the past, or things I should've done or said.

Or factual reasons that I'm a complete failure.

Or ways to die. That's not fun either.

Get. Out. Of. My. Head.

I get it. I'm a loser. I hate myself. I should die.

Blah blah blah, I've heard it before. I don't need a reminder every two seconds, just let me think about happy things like... um..

I don't know. I can't think of anything.

How come my own brain likes to bully me?

Like this is actually bullying.

I know it's me thinking about it but it's still bullying.

I get up off of my bed, walking to the light switch. I turn it on, it hurts my eyes for a few seconds.

I know I'm not going to fall asleep tonight, so I might as well do something to pass time. And so the voices in my head will be quieter.

I look around my room, checking for art supplies so I could maybe sketch something.

Finding nothing, I look under my bed.

There are multiple boxes stocked towards the left side of the bed frame.

I push them aside, finding a small case of some sort.

I inspect it further. It's a plain red case with a zipper, kind of like a case for glasses but bigger.

I unzip the pouch, finding my old Nintendo DSi that I completely forgot existed.

Once I flip the device open, dust particles fly into my face.

I swat it away, sneezing. I doubt it's charged, but it's worth a shot.

I push the small button on the side of the DS, and to my surprise it lights up.

I giggle a bit, excited to see what I used to do on this small device, a wave of nostalgia crashing over me.

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