Teacher Y/n!

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Lol idk if you guys are prepared for this, let me say there is one part where the reader teaches about lady stuff aka what a bra is and a light explanation of a period you've been warned

It's been a couple of days with Liz living here, she's been a breath of fresh air around here I'm kinda enjoying her presences. Because unlike the others she's talking to me not ignoring me at all.

It's a little sad how 1/7 people in my apartment talk to me and it's only Liz, Ava never gets time to talk to me anymore because anytime we're about to start a conversation the Daemos come in and completely ignore my presence and make Ava go into her room. Then they leave into their own little world, then there's me sitting alone on the couch. But I'm fine

I'll warn ya again it might get a lil awkward

"Yn!" Liz hops into my room

"Oh uh hey Liz what's up?" I asked sitting up on my bed

So far I have been put to the task of teaching Liz how things work around here

"I'm bored!" She says in a sing song voice "We should do something!" She gets all excited

"Hm well I could teach you more about and how things work, so far me and Ava have only taught the boys minor things. But one important thing we have to do is buy you human clothes! It's important we go ALONE or more so no boys Ava can come if she wants but knowing her she won't want to come" I say

"Wait why can't the boys come? They were telling me how they wanted to learn a lot more about earth" she says really fast, kinda reminds me of kiddish behaviour

I find it a little ironic how she acts the most like a child out of all the boys even more then Noi, but she's the only one able to say earth correctly

"Ah well the boys can't come with us, I don't know how things work on Daemos but here it's a little weird to bring boys shopping for uh 'girl supplies' wait, do you even own a bra? And do you have periods?" I asked

She tilts her head to the side in confusion
"Bras and periods?" She asked

"Uh well I can show you what a bra looks like and you can see if you recognize it okay?" I say going over to my dresser pulling out one of my bras showing it to her

"Do you know what this is?" I asked showing it to her

"Hm yes but, I've never owned one! My mother told me it wasn't needed yet"

I sighed and put my bra away

"Well then we'll need to buy you one and now periods, I don't know if you guys have them or not but just in case I'll let you read the main things to worry about" I say as I pull out my phone and look up information about periods and give her the phone.

I hope she knows how to read.

Soon she gives the phone back

"Ah this is what earthlings call it, we call it something else on Daemos." She says

"Okay that's good you're learning things about earth, now today I will take you to the sacred mall. It is a place where Humans meet up and buy many different things, we'll leave in about 10 minutes is that okay with you?" I asked

"Yup! Okay I'll go tell the others!" She smiled and ran out of my room while I go and knock on Avas door

"Come in Y/n"

"Haha I'm glad we made up that secret knock, anyways sense I'm supposed to teach Liz about earth I'm taking her to the mall to buy some human clothes and extra period supplies, you wanna come?" I asked

"Ugh I would but my Dads are making secret account trying to see my Instagram so I need to go through all my followers and make sure they aren't there, but can you pick me up some ice cream?" She gives me a little pouty face and I nod my head at her request She gets super happy and gets up to hug me

"You're the best Y/n!" She yells hugging me

"Gah...can't, b-breath....Bad Ava Release! Release!"

"Gah fineeeee" she says falling back into her bed.

I leave Avas room and see Liz in the living room,

"Oh one last thing can you use your magic to hide your horns? Humans don't have horns and it'll be weird if you show up with them."

"Oh okay I guess I can!" She smiled hiding her horns "Okay princess, or wait are you the prisoner, gah it's so confusing ill just call both of you guys princess prisoners! Now onward to the sacred mall!" She shouts pointing her finger in the air.

Time skip brought to you by Liz and Y/n not holding an interesting conversation while walking there

"Okay we're here now! You have to listen to me, I'm going to give you a little list of rules you HAVE to follow or you might DIE!"

"DIE?!?" She says panicked

"Okay rule one just listen to me, rule two don't run off anywheres there are people here who will hunt you down and rule three please don't shout or yell, and call me Y/n here not prisoner or princess, okay?"

She nodded her head repeatedly, she's way better at following instructions then any of the Daemos, I must say.

For the next hour Y/n and Liz had a shopping spree using her credit card a lot more then she wanted to but soon we left the mall and got back home.

"Ava! I got your ice cream!" I yelled she ran out of her room and grabbed the tub from my hands and got a spoon then ran back into her room like a little monkey, I see Johnny on the couch and give him the 'what the hell was that' look.

I look over to Liz and see how she's hiding behind me

"Oh I guess you haven't seen him yet, this is Johnny! Our cat or err you guys call them" she cuts me off

"Spirits, yes I-I uh don't love them here let's go into your room!" She says pulling me into my room and closing the door

"Gah! Today was so much fun thank you so much Y/n, You're the best!" She smiled

"Your sweet Liz, oh so you know how to put these on right? I don't need to teach you?" I asked knowing the others didn't know how to put their clothes on

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"Your sweet Liz, oh so you know how to put these on right? I don't need to teach you?" I asked knowing the others didn't know how to put their clothes on

"Ah yes! See unlike the others I grew up doing things the human way, I always found it cool!" She smiled and walked out of my room with her new clothes

Wait, they have humans on daemos?

I wonder what the humans there are like considering the way these fools act I'm sure it's way different from our world. Thinking about it some more it never really hit me that theres another world out there.

We are living with real life demons and we are teaching them how to act here. Maybe one day they'll tell us about Daemos,

I don't even know what I'm thinking about anymore lord my mind seems to wonder a lot lately sometimes I can't even understand what I'm thinking about but hey that's just me.

I look over to my phone and see it's about my shower time so I grab my pjs and head into the

Word count: 1355

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