1: The Guessing Game

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Olympus, 1980...

"Dionysus! Put the wine down!"
"Apollo. I swear. If you flirt with any of my hunters one more time-"
"Zeus! You cheated on me again?!"
"Hermes. I don't care what kind of prank you're trying to pull. Give me back my lipstick."
As usual, the netting the gods of Olympus we're having was going downhill fast.
Poseidon and Athena were having yet another argument, mainly it was just calling each other petty names.
No one remembered what the meeting was called for.
Suddenly, the yelling was cut off by 10 books appearing on the floor in front of them all, in two stacks of five, with a note on top of them.
"Um.." Aphrodite said as she looked at the books in disgust, "Why did books just appear out of nowhere? Athena, is this your doing?"
Athena shook her head, then shrunk in size and walked to the books. She bent down, and carefully picked up the note. She turned to face the rest, and read it aloud.
"Gods and goddesses of Olympus, before you read the rest of the note, please summon Hercules, Perseus, and Jason."
Athena looked up at the other gods and goddesses, confused.
"Aren't they like, dead?" Aphrodite asked.
"Two of them are," Hades replied, "Athena, who wrote that note?"
Her eyes scanned down to the bottom of the note, and then widened.
"The Fates?" She said, and Hades immediately snapped his fingers and the three demigods appeared.
Perseus and Jason looked around confused, but Hercules just looked glad to be there.
"What are we doing here? Why did you summon us?" Perseus asked.
"We were asked to summon you by the fates, the rest of the note should explain it." Zeus said sternly, and then Athena began to read again.
"when you finish reading this note, we are going to summon the greatest heroes of all time, from the future. These heroes you do not know yet, but you will. They will give you their name, and you will have to guess their godly parent, but only those who think they are their parent may guess, others can not interfere. Once you have guessed all of their godly parents, you may read the books about their lives. Signed, The Fates. P.S. Apollo, you are going to need to heal Hercules."
"Those books must be about me!" Hercules said.
All of the sudden, there was a bright flash of light, and just as the Fates had said, 12 kids stood before them.
The gods' attention were drawn to the two kids in the middle. A boy who seemed to resemble an elf was holding some kind of glowing screen that was blasting the macarena, and him and the boy next to him, who had blonde hair and blue eyes, were both dancing to it. The blue-eyed boy froze as he realized where he was, and his face turned red in embarrassment. The other one kept dancing though, for some reason he had his eyes closed.
A tall girl with brown hair that was in a side braid stepped up and tapped the dancing boy on the shoulder.
"Uh... Leo... Open your eyes."
His eyes snapped open and he gasped, immediately falling into a bow, "Hello, O mighty ones, why have you summoned us?"
Athena sighed and read the note to them, one by one their eyes widened in understanding.
"Umm.." A girl with short, spiky black hair began, "Exactly what year is it?"
"1980" Athena said, and Elf-boy pumped a fist in the air.
"Good! Thalia isn't a pine tree!" he yelled, and the gods and goddesses looked at him in confusion.
"I'm... not even going to ask," Artemis muttered.
"So!" A booming voice suddenly said, "You are the peasants who have come to read about my great victories."
All of their attention was now on Hercules.
A minute later, Hercules was covered in bruises, and the blonde haired boy and girl with braided hair stood over him, smirking.
"Well, that's my queue!" Apollo said, rather cheerfully, and dragged Hercules into a corner to heal him.
"So.." A boy with black messy hair and sea green eyes began, "Do we introduce ourselves?"
"Yes, but don't say your parent," Athena said. She walked back to her seat and grew in size, and the everyone (except the gods, of course) covered their eyes.
"All right, I'm Perseus Jackson, but just call me Percy. I'm a Demigod."
The other Perseus' eyes lit up, "You have the same name as me!"
The blue-eyed boy was next, "I'm Jason Grace, also a Demigod."
"Piper Mclean, also a Demigod," The girl with the braided hair said as she smiled.
"Thalia Grace. Demigod."
"Nico di Angelo, Demigod."
Hades' eyes widened.
"Hazel Levesque, also a Demigod."
Hades' eyes widened (somehow) even more.
"Leo Mcshizzle, bad boy supreme, demigod"
"Leo!" Everyone yelled in unison.
Leo sighed in defeat, "Finee. I'm Leo Valdez, Demigod."
"Frank Zhang, Demigod!"
"I'm Annabeth Chase, I'm also a Demigod."
"Clarisse La Rue. Demigod."
"Hi, I'm Grover Underwood! I'm a Satyr."
"Will Solace, Demigod!"
"The names Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Please don't kill me. I'm a mortal."
Zeus gasped (rather over dramatically) and yelled, "What is a mortal doing here?"
A note appeared in Zeus' lap. It said, That is for you to find out.
Zeus glared at the note.
"Well, then." Athena began, "I still have no idea why we're doing this but... time for the guessing game."


greetins, fella humans, human fellas.
if you don't know me, hi! my name is rei! i'm rewriting a fanfiction i wrote in seventh grade
sorry for the short chapters! i couldn't figure out how to make this longer
(i like to keep my chapters around 2000-3000 words but this one is only like 1000)
anyways, i hope you enjoy! i'll have no update schedule (sorry about that) but since the chapters are so short i'm sure i'll update often! maybe...? idk, i'm writing a book as well, and thEn i have astrophysics stuff and yeaaa.. well- i'll try! hope y'all have a great day!

(pffft as im writing this i can hear the she-ra theme playing from the living room and i'm very tempted to go watch that with my sister)

also i haven't read the books in ages so if anything is not accurate please correct me!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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