Hey There, Delilah (Part 2)

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It had been nearly three weeks and there was no sign of Grian. Mumbo was beginning to panic. He had searched everywhere he thought Grian may be. He searched the shopping district, Grian's base, Grian's starter base, and everywhere else he could think to look, even if it was really unlikely he'd find the short Hermit there.

By the time a few days had passed, the other Hermits had noticed Grian's absence and Mumbo told them he had run off because of a dispute they had. They had asked him what the argument was about, but Mumbo didn't give a straight answer. He couldn't without outing Grian. Mumbo wasn't sure if it was because he had a feeling Grian hadn't told anyone he felt attraction towards men or if it was because he didn't want to accept the fact that he feels the same way.

Still, despite not getting a straight answer, everyone began to look for Grian. Mumbo felt like there was a very small weight lifted off his shoulders. With more people looking, more ground was covered. And with more ground being covered came the fact that there was less ground for Grian to be hiding. It wasn't like he wanted to force Grian out of hiding. No, Mumbo just wanted to know that he was safe. If Grian was found and wanted to stay where he was then that was fine. And... And if Grian wanted to leave the server, Mumbo knew that was okay as well, even if his heart twisted painfully at the thought.

Shaking his head, he forced all thoughts away. Currently, he was flying towards the shopping district. He knew Grian wouldn't be there, but he wanted to find another Hermit to see if they had any news. He landed on the ground and walked around for a bit before seeing Xisuma. He was turned away from Mumbo, which meant he'd have to get his attention. Mumbo walked up to him and coughed, announcing his presence subtly. Xisuma turned his head at the noise, his entire body turning as well soon after he noticed the mustached man.

"Ah, hello, Mumbo," Xisuma greeted with a kind smile.

"Hey, Xisuma," Mumbo greeted back. He attempted to return the smile, but it was small and sad. It didn't do anything to hide the fact that Mumbo had dark bags under his eyes and his eyebrows were now almost always furrowed in worry.

The other Hermit gently placed a hand on Mumbo's shoulder. "We'll find him, Mumbo. Don't worry so much. Everyone is looking for him and we won't give up until he's found and back home safe."

"I know that, but what if..."

"Grian can't be that far, trust me. He can't leave the server without my permission. And he won't ask to leave, either. Whatever went on between you two, I'm sure you two can fix it. And if you need me or someone else to help you guys fix it we'll help," Xisuma reassured in a gentle tone.

Mumbo smiled again, appreciative of the reassurance. However, "How can you know for certain? You don't even know what happened. I was a fool, X. I... I made him cry!"

"You're right, I don't know what happened. And I won't pretend to know what happened but don't think too much on it. We both know that Grian is forgiving. Don't beat yourself up so much."

Mumbo stared at him, grateful that neither him nor any other Hermit had tried to get the full story. They all just went off and searched for their friend, only concerned for his safety. The engineer sighed and looked down at the ground.

"He.. X, I... Can I-?.. If I tell you what happened do you promise not to tell anyone else?" Mumbo asked, hoping Xisuma would promise. He had to tell someone. He had to get at least some of his thoughts off his chest.

"I promise. You know you can trust me," Xisuma responded without hesitation, a tiny hint of curiosity in his voice. Mumbo couldn't help by smile in amusement. The man was put together and knew when to leave things be, but that didn't mean he never got curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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