Part 2

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I was cast away by the ocean of crowd to the rim of the ballroom. People are getting wilder and my body is unconsciously finding its way out. I felt someone accidentally stepped on the tip of my dress, making me lose my balance. I hardly try to gain my balance or at least support myself so I won't totally fall off by putting strength on my legs but just my luck, I stepped on the slippery floor someone must've spilled their drinks.

I closed my eyes as I realize that I ran out of luck tonight waiting for my body to meet the cold, hard floor not until I felt an arm enfold my waist. I opened my eyes only to see his wary brown eyes. He stared at me for a moment then his eyes roam my face as if memorizing every detail of it.

"Watch your step Alli" and he pulls me swiftly so I can stand up properly and face him. I looked at him with relief.

"Thank you Warren" I sincerely said. I look at his arms still enwrapping my waist. He followed my gaze, at that time he looked into my eyes again and flashed his playful smile.

"Come, Andra and the others are waiting for us" he tightens his grip on my waist, on which I didn't mind 'cause we'll be opposing the crowds again. He's leading the way, brushing off people along the way. He's holding me as if I'm very breakable and fragile that no one has the right to touch or even lay a finger on me. I was taken aback and took the chance to stare at him, feeling thankful that I have him. Again, he saved me from an afflictive fall. I smiled with the thought of that, reminiscing a memory from the past.

"Why are you smiling?" I snapped out of my thoughts. We're already approaching my friends and their eyes are on us now.

"Nothing" I shake my head.

"I came to your house earlier, but you're not there. Your mom said you already left and you drive on your own." he protested. I keep my eyes on my friends.

"I thought you wouldn't make it" I replied casually. Well, that's the fact, he was supposed to be at his office by now.

"I told you, I'm coming with you and... you're coming home with me" I shifted my eyes on him.

"I bring my own-" he cuts me off.

"I bring your driver with me so he could drive your car to your house," he said bluntly. I crossed my arms and give him a look of disbelief. Just to make things clear he's not my boyfriend, but a suitor and a best friend. He was there at my downfall and so am I to his. He leans to me.

"Let's enjoy the night Alli" he whispered that sent shivers down my spine. I took a glimpse at the table where my friends are seated and to my surprise, Jace was there. Right, he's my classmate back then, he rightfully belongs here. He's staring at us. For another time, I met his eyes. I tried to figure out what his expression is but then he shifted his eyes from me. I felt my heartbeat pounding as we're getting closer to the table, excitement and nervousness crept into me.

"Alli!!!" Andra called upon and ran toward us.

"I missed you," he said still hugging me. Warren raised his eyebrows, slowly loosening his grip of me.
"We were together yesterday" I pointed out as I let go of the hug and faced Warren.

"I'm glad you both make it!" Said Andra, jolliness filled her voice.

"Tell it to your friend" he took a glimpse of me " she left me and went here alone. I told her I'll pick her up but she goes on her own, not even bothering to call me" he continues aggravatedly.

"I just thought you wouldn't come, after all, I know you're busy" I stated calmly.

"Or you're just too stubborn to listen to me" he uttered and frowned, in which he only earns another eye roll from me. Andra laughed, amused by what's happening in front of her right now. I give her a look soon after that she clings on my arm. My body moves as she does that; the next thing I knew my eyes are landed to him, Jace. I mentally slapped myself, what's happening to me? Andra saw it and again, she laughed.

"I guess some things never change," she said meaningfully then giggled. I shook my head withal, she pulled me to the table, making Warren totally lose his hold of me. We took our seat, right next to me is Warren and Andra whereas on the other side is Jace and some of my batch mates. They're catching up with each other's lives, talking about how life has been for a while. We stayed like that for some time.

After eating they decided to have drinks. The topic is changing continuously. I found out that most of them are already married and some even have a child. I take time to reflect on their stories about their life, they seem so happy with their life right now.

"What about you Alli? How have you been? You were gone for a very long time" Chloe asked that catches the attention of the people in our table. Their eyes are now on me.

"I stayed in the US after our graduation, I finish my studies there" I answered then took a sip of my wine. Avoiding their questioning eyes.

"For 7 years? You never came back?" she asked again, she pressed her body to her husband Kyle, both of them were my classmates. Who would have thought that they would end up together, as far as I can remember they're enemies back then.

I shook my head as an answer and give her a little smile. Silence filled the air. I don't know if I should feel awkward or something cause the deafening silence is screaming at me. It's like they're expecting more answers from me.

"Not even once?" Jace breaks the silence, getting the attention of everyone, even me.

"Not even once," I assured looking directly into his eyes. In that little moment, I saw a hint of pain and despair.  What am I seeing? Does he want me back? Is he still into me? Oh, he told me in the dancefloor that... No. He should be over me by now. What's this another game for him to play? Another trap to prey my heart? 

Andra lightly elbowed me then clap her hand to catch our attention. I'm the one to break eye contact and turn to Warren. He smiled weakly to me.

"Sooo... that's why I, we decided to throw a welcome party for you" my eyes widened and look at her. She couldn't be serious.

"Yes Alli, actually it was already set" I stared at her in bewilderment.

"Tomorrow, at our beach house around 3 in the afternoon, see you there guys" she announced, I give her a look of disbelief but she only sticks her tongue out in return. The conversation goes on, we talk about our plans for tomorrow. It's running late and they're kinda drunk, we decided to go home. After bidding goodbyes we headed to the parking lot. I'm going with Warren, after all, that's what he says. I'm just thankful he didn't drink too much. When we reached his car, the car beside his, swung it's door open revealing a bloodshot eye, Jace. After Andra announces the event for tomorrow he walked out, I thought he's already home. Oh well, why would I even care?

"Alli," he remarks. Warren grabbed my hand. Jace witnessed it then he began to speak again.

"Can we..." he paused for a while, looking for the right words to say. I look at him blankly.

"Can we talk?" He said and I felt Warren tightened his grip on me.

"Just for a short moment" he continues, he's so desperate right now, very far from the Jace I met a very long time ago. I raised an eyebrow.

"Please..." he looks so helpless. Even though my heart has gone cold, because of him. I still couldn't take to look at him this helpless.

"You'll go first Warren, I'll talk to him" just by that, Jace's face lights up.

"But Alli-" I didn't let him finish. I removed his hand off me.

"Just wait for me in the car," I said firmly not giving him a look. My eyes are on Jace the whole time. I felt Warren left beside me.

"What is it? There's plenty of time back there for you to talk to me why-" I lose my words when he took the distance between us and hugged me.

"I miss you" he whispered softly in my ear. The smell of alcohol engulfed my nose. The familiar feeling went into me. No, this can't be. I pushed him away.

"You're drunk, you better go-" he cuts me off.

"I still love you" a tear escaped from his eyes. I closed my eyes, getting a hold of myself. He's a good actor now huh? I turn around and started to walk away. I have no time to hear his twisted lies.

"Love... Please come back to me" he begged. I turn to see him on his knees. The show is over, it's over 7 years ago, I reminded myself.

"We'll talk when you're not drunk anymore." Then I left him on his own, on his bended knees.

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