Amy X Female Reader Pt. 1

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Your P.O.V.

I fumble with my seatbelt as I step out of the car. I can't think straight. I finally got my dream job, and I don't wanna mess up my first day. I open my phone camera to check my face before getting in the lift. 

"Just breathe in, and out. In, and out." I try to calm myself down, but my heart is racing. I feel the lift come to a stop. The fourth-floor button is flashing. The doors slowly open, exposing me to the precinct. 

I notice no one seems to see me walk in. That's good. Wait. No, that's bad. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? My anxiety starts to really kick in. I quickly walk over to what I think is the Captain's office. I knock on the door and see him motion for me to come in. 

"Hello. I presume you are Y/N?" He says.

"Yes, that's me." I respond, wincing as my voice cracks. I'm so nervous. Anything I do can wreck this. 

"Welcome to the Ninety-Ninth Precinct. You may call me Captain Holt. Have you spoken to anyone yet?" He doesn't seem to notice me freaking out.

"Uh, no not yet." I answer meekly.

"Ok. I will get Santiago to give you a tour." He calls someone else into the office. I watch her speed-walk towards me and the Captain. 

"Hello Sir," She says as she opens the door. As soon as I see her, I can't stop looking. She is wearing a simple pantsuit, but when it is on her, my God, it is amazing. Her voice is like honey. Captain Holt's voice breaks my trance.

"Santiago, this is Y/N. She is new here. Y/L/N, this is Amy." Holt introduces me to her. I melt as she nods to me. "Santiago, can you show Y/L/N around please?"

"Yes sir," she says. I follow her out of the office. "Ok, so this is the squad. We have Jake; very childish, Gina; she will make fun of you in any way possible; Rosa, just avoid her unless you want to be ripped apart limb by limb..." She continues describing everyone, but I zone out. I still can't get over the fact that I have landed my dream job, and met the most amazing woman I've ever seen. I pinch myself. Stop thinking about her. She literally just met you.

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