Amy X Female Reader Pt. 2

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During the walk home from work, I feel more relieved then I have ever felt before. I didn't mess the day up at all! I even sort-of made a new friend! 

When I open the door to my apartment, I see a light shining from the kitchen. I think back to this morning. Did I leave the light on? No, I didn't. Or maybe I did. I shrug it off and walk inside. Ah yes, the light is on. I think nothing of it, but when I try to get a fork for some two-minute-noodles, I notice all my utensils are gone. That is really odd. I search all over the house. Maybe I misplaced them somehow? It doesn't seem possible that I just loose them all at once. 

I decide to talk to someone at the precinct tomorrow. Maybe someone took them? I get into bed and tell myself to worry about it tomorrow. 

The next day

I get to work and look for someone to report to. I spot Jake and walk over.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" He asks when I approach. I smile at him and hurriedly explain the situation.

"Yeah, after I got home from work last night I saw all my cutlery was gone. I know it isn't big but I am a little confused." 

He thinks for a bit then responds. "I reckon whoever took them thought they were more than just knives and forks. Maybe a special kind of silver... I'll look into it. Thanks for telling me!" He runs off to talk to Holt about it.

I feel relieved that it's being sorted out. I walked back to my desk. I sit opposite Amy, which is good. She watches me sit down and log onto the computer. 

"Are you good? You looked sorta stressed when you came in," she asks. I grin inside at the thought of her looking at me.

"Yeah I'm alright. I just talked to Jake because all my cutlery has disappeared. I doubt it's anything though." 

Amy smiles, but it looks weirdly fake. I wonder why, so I ask. "Are you okay?"

She nods. "Just want you to know you can also come to me, not just Jake."

"Oh, I would've told you, but it was on my mind and he was the first person I saw." Why does she care that much? It's only some missing bits of metal. Amy looks back at her computer and types. I do the same.

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