Peraltiago OneShot

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At the precinct - Morning

Amy sat at her desk with a pile of files on her keyboard. She doesn't seem bothered by the amount of work she has to complete. She hops up to get a coffee from the kitchen. When she gets back to her computer, she sees Jake walk into the precinct.

"How did your crazy adventure to find ten bottles of Orange Soda go?" Amy asks him, grinning at how stupid his goal was.

"It went fabulously." He says. "No it didn't, I can't lie. I only found nineee!" He winges, laughing with Amy. They walk hand in hand back to their desks. 

"I brought a guy in before you got here. He's got info about a major dealer of Giggle Pig." Amy says.

"And you are asking me to show off my amazing interrogation skills?" Jake smirks. Amy rolls her eyes.

"Come on," She says. They walk to the room and Amy goes in. Jake watches her from behind the mirror. He cringes at her attempts to be like Rosa. He walks into the room.

"Come on Ames, I love you, but this is going terribly," He says smiling at her pretend-anger.

"Fine!" She says, walking out. Jake tries to get the perp to spill the beans, but fails hardly. Amy laughs her head off watching him try too. She gives up and tells Jake to 'do the thing'. Jake understands immediately and ducks out to get a guitar. He comes back and sits on the table. He starts singing and playing horribly. You can see the perp hates it. He eventually confesses and tells Jake everything.  

Afterwards, while they do all the paperwork, Amy tells Jake something.

"I love how you knew what I meant when I said 'do the thing'." She says this while smiling uncontrollably. 

"I love how you got me to do it" Jake smiles back.

"And I love this!" Boyle gestures to the two of them.

"Charles!" Jake and Amy say in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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