Amy X Female Reader Pt. 3

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Three weeks later

Your P.O.V.

I roll over in bed, groaning at the sound of my alarm. It's 7:00 am. The past few weeks have been long and tiring, with nothing to look forward to. At least Halloween is coming up. I heard that there is some heist thing they do every year. That should be fun.

I wanna see Amy today. I mean, I have seen her and stuff, but I wanna get to know her more. I want her to get to know me. All I have done is think about her. I know I really shouldn't like someone this quickly, but I just do. It is just a phase, I keep telling myself. Just. A. Phase.

I walk into the precinct and see almost everyone is here. (Except Jake. He is always late) I walk over to my desk and see Amy is early again. She always gets here like an hour early to organise her desk. I don't understand how you can get it any more organised!

I watch as Jake walks out of the lift and sits down. I don't know if I am catching the Amy virus, but good lord his desk is messy. There are food scraps from last month! How does he live like that? I go over to ask Jake about my missing utensils.

"Oh, we found the person who took them. Apparently, they were very expensive. We are just finishing up the paperwork and you will have your forkies back in no time!" He says enthusiastically. I smile and thank him.

I walk back over to the computer. Then Gina yells over to me and Amy. "Holt needs you! Y/L/N and Santiago! Get your butts over here!"

I sit up from my desk. I wonder what he needs us for. I'm normally partners with Rosa, so it can't be a case. Amy walks behind me and I open the door.

"Hello Y/N and Amy. You are likely confused about why I called you in here." I can't tell if it is a good thing or a bad thing. The captain never shows any emotions.

"Yes Sir," Me and Amy say in unison.

"Well, there is a case I would like you both to work on. There was a break-in and the victim is the Chief Commissioner."

"Oh gosh. What was taken?" Amy asks, concerned.

"A few plaques showing the Chief's immense skill. Whoever did this wanted to bring him down." Holt responds.

"Okay, Sir. We will try our best." I tell him.

"You will. If we don't solve this, he has the power to out changes in our precinct. And we can't afford that." Holt says. I can tell this means a lot if Holt is frowning.

At the crime scene

"So... should we take a look?" I ask Amy. I really hope she can't see I'm nervous. I don't want to give a bad impression. 

"Yeah. We should." Why does she sound odd. Did I do something wrong? Thinking back, she has been a bit funny around me. Oh no. She hates me, doesn't she. 

My anger towards myself shows, and she gets confused. "Are you, angry?" 

"Uh, yeah." I say, regretting it after I see her hurt face. "Oh no no no, not at you, I just made a mistake..." I trail off. I want to re-do everything I've ever done around her. We started off fine, as normal colleagues, then my stupid crush on her wrecked everything. I gotta get over it fast. At least then I can be friends with her. 

"Oh okay. That's good." She does a small chuckle and looks relieved. 

A couple hours later, at Shaws

I walk into the bar and see the whole squad there. "So Shaws is our spot?" I ask.

"Yeah. We come here all the time after work." Rosa explains. I nod and get a drink. Everyone is talking about stuff. I notice Amy isn't talking to anyone in particular, so I decide to clear everything up and hope we can be friends. 

"Hey," I say. She looks up to me, and after a couple seconds of eye-contact, she breaks it. 

"Okay," She starts to talk. "I have to tell you."

"T-tell me what?" I'm really confused. And worried. What happened?

"On your first day, everything was fine. But after that you got a bit distant. I didn't know why. I kept thinking about you, and if I did something wrong. I was... Trying to not mess things up. The other girls in the squad are just Rosa and Gina, and they are both their own person. When you came, I wanted to be able to be good friends with you, since you seemed more similar to me than them. I think I wanted to impress you more, and one night, I realised, I wanted to really get to know you. Like more than friends. I saw you interact with everyone else, and I just loved your personality. And everything else about you. But I knew I can't actually talk to you without it being weird. I was too focused on not making you hate me, that I kind of avoided you. I still don't know why you were distant to me, but I just want you to know, I want to be friends. Or more than that." She finished with a breath and looked at me. This time she didn't look away. I think about what she just said and laugh.

"What. Why are you laughing?" She looks worried again.

"Sorry, it's just I was thinking literally the exact same thing. I really liked you. But I was scared to talk to you. That's why I was distant. I'm sorry, and I hope we can be friends. Or.. more than that." I answer. I can see she is smiling.

"Y/N-" I cut her off with a hug. A hug which turns into something more. 

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