Nico has a doctor's appointment

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The familiar hum of gossip surrounded me as I left the fourth period. I smiled at my boyfriend as he walked up to me, grabbed my backpack off my shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist.

'Hey Jack, give that back!' I scrabbled for my bag, but he held it out of my reach. Stupid tall boyfriends.

'A true gentleman would never let his lady carry her baggage.' He announced in an awful British accent. I giggled.

'Fine. Carry my bag. It's no skin and off my back.'

He smirked at his victory, leading me through the crowded hallways to the cafeteria.

As always, my eyes were drawn to the corner of the huge room the second we were through the doors. A forlorn figure huddled in the corner, silently eating a happy meal.

I sighed. Jack was amazing, of course, he was, but there was something about that goth boy that had me thinking about him twenty-four seven. His dark eyes, smooth, creamy skin, hair that-

I shook myself. No. I had a boyfriend who loved me, and my thoughts were traitorous. But... surely there wasn't a problem with being friends with him.

'Who's the kid in the corner?' I muttered to Jack, halting our path across the cafeteria.

'Who, Nico Di Angelo?' He sounded shocked that I'd even brought him up. 'He's an outcast, sweetheart. Gets bullied pretty badly, I think. Never saw a problem with him myself, we just travel in different circles.'

'Let's go sit with him.' I decided, pulling Jack over to the table in the corner. Jack sputtered nervously, but I'd already pulled us into seats across from Nico. He watched us warily from behind a curtain of black hair.

'Hi!' I said brightly, extending a hand. 'My name's Laura, and this is Jack.' He stared around my hand as though it was dipped in poison.

'Nico.' He murmured, his voice so low that if I'd I hadn't been listening for it I never would have heard him.

Suddenly, a phone rang. Nico pulled a jet black phone out of his pocket and brought it up to his ear. The conversation was rather one-sided, as I only heard a few I'm goods, yeses and sures until whoever was on the other side said something apparently shocking.

'You're coming here? When?' He whisper-yelled into the phone, a broad grin spreading across his face. Woah, Woah, where had that come from?

He ended the phone conversation quite quickly after that and finished his happy meal in silence. Once he was finished, he leapt up from his chair and practically sprinted across the room to fourth period Greek.

'That was... interesting.' Jack said.


Waiting was awful. I fiddled with my hands as I stood outside the Greek classroom, excitement pooling in my stomach. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, the mortal students lined up behind me, waiting for the next period to start.

Finally, just as the bell was about to ring, Noah Grey joined the back of the queue, chatting to a certain blonde-haired son of Apollo. Will said something to Noah and swiftly joined me at the front.

'Hey.' I whispered, barely daring to believe he was actually here.

'Hey.' He smiles softly at me, and then, to my astonishment, kissed me full on the lips, his arms winding around my neck.

The shocked gasps of the other students were drowned out by the bell ringing, and Patty Stewart, resident bully, pushed to the front as we poured into the classroom.

'Get away from each other you unnatural freaks. You cannot be together! The gods HATE homosexuality, and they will punish you for your sins-'

'Will we?' An amused voice came from the back of the room, and we all turned at the sound of it. Apollo leans against the back wall in all his sunny glory, a grin slashed across his face.

'L-Lord Apollo?' That Lauren girl who'd sat with me at lunch stuttered.

'The one and only.' At his words, all of the mortals fell to their knees where they stood. Except one. I had to stifle a groan as Patty went to kneel right before the sun god.

'Father.' She said reverently. He stared at her.

'No. I did not father you. No child of mine would speak as you did a few seconds ago. For the record, the majority of the gods are bisexual, including myself. Speaking in such a manner will get you killed, mortal. Stop doing it.' He turned to Will and I. 'I'm here to deliver you two to Olympus, cause the gods are sick of being in charge. Come over here.'

Ignoring the blatant stares of the mortals, he beckoned us over to him, literally kicking the still kneeling Patty out of the way in the process. He grabbed our hands when we reached him, and just as the three of us dissolved into rays of sunlight, I caught his last words.

'Just so you know, Aphrodite, Hades and I fully support and ship Solangelo. You two will be together forever.'

Ah, Solangelo. My third favourite ship. Following Percabeth and Brason, obviously. Who should I do next?

 Who should I do next?

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