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He feels Issa shifting beside him before he even opens his eyes.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he pulls her to his chest, murmuring low and lazy against her neck. She shivers as his hand slides up her bare back.

"Stop. It's hot and you were smothering me like some burly koala bear."

He laughs, open and deep. She always complains he's going to accidentally burn her to death one day because he's a living furnace.

"I am nowhere near hairy enough to be any kind of bear. That's Ope's territory."

He plays with the end of one of Issa's many curls. If anyone doubts that she's Tig's daughter because of her skin color, they only need to take a look at her hair. It's 100% Trager.

When they first started dating, he learned quickly he couldn't just run his hands through her hair. He had never seriously dated a woman of color before her. And even though him and Issa were thick as thieves growing up, she always slapped his hand away when he tried to touch her hair. Often with the admonition, "My hair is not meant for your entertainment, white boy!"

If she had a ruler, he would have felt like he was in catholic school. But he did learn to respect the boundaries of a Black woman's hair. Something Issa teases him about to this day.

"I don't know. I've seen JT shirtless before and I almost mistook him for a yeti. That's your future, Teller."

"Oh really," he drawls, bringing his fingers to her sides.

He's pretty sure Issa knows what he's about to do. "Don't. You. Dare," she warns.

She tries to bring her arms down to protect her sides but he's too fast for her. Before she can do much of anything, he has her legs trapped between his and her arms behind her back. He shows no mercy, tickling her from both angles.

"Jax, no! Stop, stop!" she's bubbling over with laughter, words getting lost in it. Her head is thrown back and her face is practically glowing.

God he's gone on this woman.

He finally relents when she starts digging her toes into his calves. But their position allows him to roll them until she's on her back and he's hovering over her. He settles between her thighs, using his forearms to balance his weight. He watches as her breathing settles back to normal.

"Hi," he whispers, long blonde hair shielding them from the outside world.

Issa smiles wide, fingertips brushing against the side of his face. "Hi."

Jax loves mornings like this. There isn't a rush to get somewhere. They can slow down, lose themselves in each other without keeping a careful eye on the clock.

He studies her. The face he has loved from the very moment he understood what being in love meant. He lived for summers when they were growing up because it meant time with Issa. Now they have all the time in the world.

He leans in for a kiss, not caring a damn about morning breath. He is sucked into her almost immediately, savoring the slide of their tongues against each other. His left hand moves to her right cheek as his other one starts roaming south. He moves his lips to her neck, placing feather light kisses up and down, making his way to her collarbone. She squirms underneath him, her breath becoming short and shallow. He knows all her spots, has studied them religiously over the eight years they've been together. A map of her body is permanently etched into his brain and he uses it to his advantage every chance he gets.

She fell asleep naked against his chest last night, so there are no clothes in his way. His thumb brushes the side of her breast. He carefully eases more of his weight onto her, grinding his dick against her bare heat. He wants to bury himself deep inside her, fuck her until she's screaming. But he stops himself, hitching one of her legs further up his hip. His lips make their way back to hers and he kisses her deep and dirty.

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