[2] A Visit Part- I

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Jin’s POV

Depressingly empty.

I thought as I looked around this cabin.

A small hut made of wood nursing an old sofa, a squeaking chair and a small kitchen is where I take refuge.

It doesn't even have a decent outhouse but I couldn’t care less. It does its job keeping me warm and sheltered from the freezing weather. That, I am grateful for.

Cathy, my old employer had been very kind when she left this cabin to my care. I’ve been very blessed already when she took my freezing ass three years ago out of the raging blizzard so giving this cabin—her home to me was just pure angelic.

She knew I had nowhere else to go if something may to happen to her.

I can’t thank her enough though.

I would have died long ago if it wasn't for her kindness and generosity.

Even before she passed away, her labored breath was spent to worry and fret looking after my well being making sure I am left taken care of. It was heartbreaking.

I never cried so hard in my life.

It has been months but this cabin still mourns her loss. By the missing furniture and belongings, it was almost depressing. I had sold them to the local market to give a decent burial she deserves.

That’s the most I could have given her.

She had been the mother and friend I never had. Her loud, cheeky personality was definitely what I miss more. Too bad her lungs failed on her. Asthma has always been her worst enemy.

My stomach pulled me out of my thoughts as it growled loudly. I swear my appetite was insatiable but my body still resembles of a twig. I snorted.

I found myself reaching for packed bread and a warm tea from my earlier meal. I haven’t found a new job in the city so this will have to do for now.

I padded my small feet back in the old chair. A deep sigh escaping me as I look outside the window. Already it is dark.

Feeling the cold air seeping in, I stood to close the window and settled comfortably on the battered sofa.

I opened the book that I have found lying in the forest ground a few days back. Going back from my afternoon stroll, I stumbled upon this.

Must be from one of the campers occasionally visiting the area. I thought.

Pages torn and slightly burnt. The spine decaying looking like it had seen better days but who's complaining?

It silences my racking thoughts even for just a short while.

I guess there wasn’t much to do for a sixteen-year old boy living by himself in the woods. I smiled sadly.

Closing the book, I soon found myself dozing off to sleep.




I jump in my sleep as I heard something fell harshly on my roof. I groaned.

Fucking hunters!

Thinking it was the group of hunters shooting pigeons on sight, I went back to my dreamless sleep.

Poor bird.

But I could have sworn I heard a loud screeching sound before I again dozed off.

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