[4] Founded Gem

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Who would have thought that the Olden dragon would find its beloved in the middle of the forest? It didn't. Nose flaring in anger.

Getting a whiff of its beloved's enticing scent from above made the dragon go berserk. Screeching and ripping the roof savagely, it was on rampage.

Finding a boy curled snugly on the sofa, it went wild.

Letting out a victorious roar, it took off to the sky.

Glancing down at the beauty sleeping peacefully on its arms, the rage slowly dissipating.

He looks so tiny cuddled on its massive arms. His chocolate hair dancing wildly as they soared higher. Pink soft lips slightly agape as he slowly breathes. Body so small it could be mistaken of as a woman. Purring, the dragon held him tightly to its scaled chest not intending to let go.

The pungent scent hugging him in full force surely turns the beast on big time. He smells better with it's cum on him. It flew faster to its horde.

Its quarters on sight.

The last piece to complete its treasure now on its arms.

It smirked.

Its founded little gem.

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