4 - Luddson.

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(Hehe that's a hot photo.... 😌)

Hudson's POV

I rub my eyes as I could barely get up or move my body, all I could feel was a heavy sharp pain on the left side of my body.

"This isn't my bed..."

I look behind me to see Lukas asleep with his body wrapped around me.

I could feel my face heat up as he sneezes softly.

He must've caught a cold... Though he probably won't let me help him anyway.


He sneezes once again and slowly opens his left eye and the quickly gets off of me.

"What the fuck Huddy?.."

"What do you mean?! You were cuddled up to me?..."

His cheeks slowly turn red as he turns away from me.

"Shut the fuck up."

Wow rude.

I get up off of the bed and walk up to him.

"Look Lukas be real with me."

He turns towards me and looks down on me as I look up at him.

This time I didn't get a shiver down my spine. He gave me the normal stare he would give his friends.

"You like me, don't you?.."

Confidence is key Hudson... Confidence is key.

His face is more red then usual.

"And your parents are just stopping you from loving me... Aren't they?"

I look dead into his eyes as he groans in defeat.


He called me by my name again... I must have been right.

"Yes. I do like you. My parents are just homophobic. I just wanna live up to who they want me to be."

I give a look of sympathy as he blushes but also gives me the death stare.

And we're back to old Lukas...

"You need a kissy?"

"Stop it Huddy."

I wrap my arms around his body before he was able to turn his body away from me.

"Get down here so I can kiss you."

I let him go as he gets down on his knees so I could kiss him.

I kiss him softly and smile at him as he sneezes again.

"Let me help you with your cold."


I knew he wouldn't let me help him.

"Where's the cold medicine idiot?"

"Why would I tell you? I don't want you to help me Huddy!"

I sigh as he instead sits down.

"Fine. I'll just go ask Liam. Stay here."

I walk out of the door before he could say anything and shut it as I step into Liam's room where he was watching Tv.

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