11 - Symptoms.

141 12 36

We are getting a lot deeper into the story.

And also they fucked last night.

So yeah..




I open my eyes and see that Hazel wasn't laying in bed anymore.

The cover was halfway pulled off the whole bed like she was getting up in a rush.


I yawn softly, stepping out of the bed hearing a raspy sick voice.

"I'm in the bathroom..."

I slowly open the door to the bathroom and peak my head through it to see Hazel kneeling on the floor, her face right infront of the toilet.

"Are you okay...?"

I walk up to her and get on my knees, rubbing her back gently.

"I'm okay..."

She suddenly gags as I grab her hair, holding it back so she could throw up in the toilet.

She gets up and looks in the mirror as I get up as well, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"What's wrong Haze..?"

"I don't know..."


I just remembered last night-

I kiss her neck softly as she washes her face with luke warm water.

"Here take this.."

I hand her one of the tests out of the cabinet nervously.

"But this is a pregnancy test.."

She suddenly realizes why I handed her a pregnancy test and begins to freak out.

"How did this even happen..?"

"Last night.."

I could see her start crying and I grab her, pulling her close.

"It's okay... We don't know if it's true until you take the test."

She pulls aways from the hug, wiping her tears away.


I step out of the room and sit on her bed.


We've been gone for a very long time now.

And now since its a time skip...

Hazel has her own room now.

K back into the story.

She has been in there for quite awhile now.

I'm kinda getting worried.

"Taila..!! I don't know how to work this thing!"

I get up and walk in, shutting the door to the sight of her holding a wet pregnancy test.


I walk over and look at it.

"Hazel... You did it right... But it's two lines.."

She looks at me in confusion.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍-𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋Where stories live. Discover now