7 - I'll Always Love You.

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I wish I didn't have to do this.

I mean to be fair... I don't have to but I need time.

I open the door to Tony's room and his head turns quickly.

"I was getting dressed... Wassup...?"

He didn't even come up and hug me...

It's like all his happiness was gone, he looked like he had been crying all night.

No smile no anything. Just a blank stare.

"I have the papers.."

He sighs silently as I hand him them.

I could see him staring at my name signed on the papers.

'Nicholas Austin Lopez' is what he saw.

He picks up the pen and opens it, shaking.

I could see a water droplet fall onto the paper. Then another... And another...

I soon realized he was crying as I listened to his sniffles.

Out of nowhere he screams at the top of his lungs, falling onto the floor and dropping the pen.

I could see his tears falling faster.


He stands up and hugs me tight.

"Please... Please don't leave me..."

I could feel him shaking but I didn't hug back.

"I'll sign the fucking papers, goddammit, but before you bring them to a judge, please, I'm begging you, rethink your choice..!"

His voice was cracking because of all the tears.

He grabs the pen and slowly writes his name in cursive.

I could see his name as he wiped his tears away and went back to his emotionless state.

I picked up the papers as he sat down on his bed, pulling a pair of red shorts over his legs.


"Are you really going to leave me?"

He looks back up at me.

"I have no one else Nick. If I loose you I'll loose my everything. I'm just barely hanging onto that hope that my life will get better."

"Tony... Come here.."

He gets up and I hug him tight.

"I'm gonna miss saying I love you to you. Your not losing me, I'll forever be here. Just not in the way you'll want me to be."

Out of nowhere he kisses me and I kiss back and he quickly lets go.

"Shut the fuck up Nick... Your not leaving..."

I blush softly as he pins me down on the bed, fluffing my hair.

"I still have to bring the papers..."

"Go ahead, teddybear. I'll be waiting to hear what happens..."

He gets off of me as I smile at him.

"I love you, Tony..

I blush softly as he hugs me again.

"Your my forever, Nick.."

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