Of New Year's Resolutions and Other Fleeting Requiems

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And though you spoke of strength,
which moved heavens and this earth...

There is only this; to escape.
But do we not both run away
at one point... towards the same point... 
and from one point...
only to find ourselves
meeting again at the horizon?

And that which you ask from me so dearly...
equates  only to silence; mine to be exact.

And thus the farewell becomes only
a small favor asked, so that I may become mum.

So hear now, my muffled musings...
the deep and sorrowful universe I made,
which you can no longer visit.

It was I who have been the option...
By you...
By others...
By my self...

Back to a place where I never left.

Misplaced but never gone,

Jay Protacio Mendoza
(1978-           )

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