Assassin's Love🩸

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Despite this chapter I decided on a beautiful image, please laugh. Ha ha ha... :,)

"Thank you so much Andrew, I really appreciate it. I just haven't been feeling well these last couple days" my friend reached out to squeeze my hand, but I swiftly dodged the touch. "I really should be going now, again, thank you" his brows knitted together.

"Are you sure everything has been okay? I know you're sick, but I've noticed that you've been really dodgy with me lately-about... everything."

Fear shot through my heart at the mention of my distancing "I-I'm just worried you'll catch what I have, you know?" Judging by the look on his face, no. He didn't know. But he did know something was up.

I laughed it all off and nervously made my way towards the door. "I'll swing by tomorrow if I can give your medicine back, okay! Lots of love" he rolled his eyes and waved me out the door of his tiny store.

My best friend from highschool-who happened to be a boy-owned a family pharmacy that was passed down to him after he went through college, studying medicine. I just dropped by to pick up some stuff that would help me sleep when he just slipped me a bottle of muscle relaxers. It surprised me since normally Andrew wasn't the type to go against his family's rules, but then he told me to bring it back tomorrow.

He hadn't done anything like that before, but he must have noticed the bags under my eyes and the lack of care in my actions. Everything had been nauseating for me as of late, but I couldn't find out why. I made it home and immediately slumped on the small loveseat inside my small living room.

Everything I touched felt like it was burning my skin from how cold it was compared to my body heat. I dug through my purse and took out the bottle of muscle relaxers, reading the back for recommended use. After one pill and a glass of water, some TV and a little time was all it took. I was out.

The next day I woke up at around ten in the morning. My body felt good and relaxed from how much sleep I had gotten. I sluggishly peeled my eyes open to see my duvet wrapped around my body. My bare skin felt warm under the covers. I peeked under the sheet and saw my underwear still on my body. The spot next to me, warm.

"He must have come by..." I glanced towards my window and saw its curtains opened, which is not how I'd left them.

A few months ago I had just been relaxing at home when a man just crashed through my window. Glass and blood was everywhere. I was so freaked out by what was going on, but knew I couldn't just sit there and not help. But when I tried to call for an ambulance he stopped me.


"Don't..." his breathing came out labored.

I let his heavy hand weigh down my arm as his grip weakened. "You need medical attention, and I am not letting someone die inside my living room!" he opened his eyes and they stunned me.

Everything about this man radiated danger. From the way his eyes pierced my soul down to the way he still held a defensive stance even though he was bleeding out on my floor. I dropped my phone and stood up, but his hand grabbed me.

I turned to look at him, but this time I didn't let his cold eyes freeze me. "if you won't let me call an ambulance then you will at least let me help however I can."


I didn't learn much about him in the few days he stayed inside my house. But from the way his skin looked and how fast he healed I had a bad feeling. What regular person would crash through your window on the same night a police chase had been ensued after the assassination of a mafia boss-who apparently lived three buildings over from me.

Clearly this guy wasn't normal. That's not even the freakiest part though. After he just up and disappeared two days later I ran into him again, but from the way he looked at me our run in wasn't an accident.

I hadn't told my family or friends what had happened, mostly because I didn't think any of them would believe me. Not because I cried wolf a lot growing up, but because nothing really exciting ever happened in the area. Unless you count the fall of the Phantom Troupe, which happened years ago.

The third time he came around I was at home by myself. He had come in through the window, which had scared the shit out of me, but after calming myself down some I just went with the flow of things. That night we talked a lot. Well mostly I spoke about my life and things while he would add in about his family. How he had siblings and that all of them, including himself were raised strictly.

It sounded like a sad way to live, so I guess my subconscious took pity on him and that's when I started to allow him to stay at my place. Of course he didn't immediately feel great with the idea, but he did start to come by more.

Soon enough our relationship became more intimate... though I didn't know if it was the right thing to let it go on. I mean, isn't it a bit strange to even attempt some form of a relationship with a guy you saved from dying, and then he somehow pops up everywhere? Of course I was oblivious at the time.

Now though. My mouth fell open in a small cry as I read a news article from just this morning. My hand shook as I covered my mouth, my eyes reading through it.

"The Family Pharmacy on Langston St was found brutally murdered this morning. Authorities saying it was connected to the Mafia!"

No. This had nothing to do with the mafia. I heard my window slide open as my mind raced. Now Andrew is gone too... that means that everyone is gone now. My mom, dad, brother... every person I had ever hung out with was dead. I looked up as a shadow came next to my side of the bed. Their hand reached out and gently grabbed my cheek, the slick feeling making me whimper.

I stared up into those icy blue eyes. A small smile spread on his blood splattered face. "Good morning love" I smiled the best I could and nodded. "Good morning to you too... Killua."

Now I know... don't help everyone. But it's too late for that now, isn't it?

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