Attention (2)

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This is the other plot. First part is the same, but this is longer than the previous one. :))

Solar POV

Solar Apartment.

We're in the living room, Byul is laying on the sofa and playing in her phone that game, Crazyracing Kartrider. I think she's playing with someone she knows because she talks to them. I'm sitting beside the sofa folding my laundry while watching some youtube videos, getting some ideas.

She's playing for an hour now. I'm already done with the laundry, and did some vacuum cleaning too. And this person here seems not to be bothered.

"Who are you playing with?" I asked and not getting an answer from her. She just laughed huh. Wow, really huh?

"Moon Byul Yi" slightly raising my voice to catch her attention. She just eyed me and said wait...wait. Thank you for going here just to play and use my wifi huh.

I order some food and didn't bother to ask her what she wants. I'll not get an answer anyway. She's really into that game, you better wait moonbyul-shi. I went to my room to answer some solarsido comments.

Half an hour. I heard the doorbell, "Babe, did you order something?" and now she's off that game. Byul peeked in the bedroom door saying the food is here. I didn't answer her and just went to the living room.

We ate silently and this person beside me is giggling looking in her phone. Geez, now she's texting with someone huh. So what am I here? In my own house? I peeked when her phone vibrated and saw who texted. Go on, moonbyul-shi flirt with someone when you're beside your girlfriend.


Byul-unnie let's play again
next time.
It's super fun. ♡

"WOW~ flirting beside me?" I said out of nowhere. Yeah my thoughts just came out, she frowned her eyebrows and look at me.

"What are you saying?" She asked back. Fixing the food containers.

"Leave that. Go home." I said. She just have this 'huh?' look to me.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?"

"Yeah, sick of you." I said bitterly. And went to my room to take a nap. This person really is getting into my nerves.

I woke up and checked my phone, it's already 9pm. I'll be awake until 5 or 6am now. Aist. What to do? I went out to get some water and saw Byul sleeping in the couch. So she didn't go home? I tapped her that made her open her eyes and looked at me.

"Hey, why did you sleep here? You can sleep in the bedroom tho or go home. Go to my bedroom and sleepmore." I said while turning the tv on.

She sat up and let me sit beside her. "This is home~" She said while leaning her head to me, playing with my fingers and slowly closed her eyes.

We stayed in that position until I heard the front door opened, Yonghee is home. I smiled on her and tapped Byul to wake up. "Hmm" she said, looked at Yong and said "Hello." I giggled because she's still half asleep.

Yonghee just smiled and went to the kitchen to place the groceries she bought.

"I'll fix them. Go change." As I went up leaving Byul in the sofa leaning to the headrest still sleepy.

After I went to my closet to grab my jacket and knocked on Yonghees' room, "I'll take Byul home. I might sleep there." I said and smiled, she said teasingly "Yeah she looks sleepy, maybe you tired her. Drive Safe."

"Ohh there is food in the refrigerator, just heat it if your hungry." I said as we have our leftovers this afternoon, ignoring her teasing. And went to the living room to wake up Byul.

"Byul-ah~" as I tapped her shoulder. "Wake up, I'll take you home." with that she opened her eyes.

"Can I not sleep here?" she asked while pouting. Hayss~ this clingy moonstar.

"Nope~" I said, moving to peck on her lips. But Byul pulled me, resulting in me sitting on her lap and she hold my neck to kiss me deeper. We continue that for minutes and I can feel that she's playing with my mound inside my shirt. Until I was out of breath, I halfheartedly slapped her arm while giggling and getting off her lap.

"Yah. Yonghee is just in her bedroom." I said.

"It's more thrilling, unnie." She said giggling and fixing her self so we can go now. I opened her bag to check for her keys, so that she can't complain later.

Parking Lot.

Byul is rummaging in her bag, finding her key which is on me. "Yong, I think I left my keys upstairs but I didn't open my bag." She said curiously.

I clicked the key and she just looked at me amazed.

"Yah, when did you become a thief? When did you get it? Do you want to drive? Should I give you a spare key? Can we take yours instead?" Bombering me with questions.

"Too many questions. I'll drive tonight, and you can rest there." I said while fixing the driver seat and start the car.

"We can't hold hands" she said as I was about to reach for her hand. "Hands on the steering wheel, Babe." She's really uncomfortable when she's not the one driving. I made the ride smooth so that she can't feel a bit uneasy.

I parked the her car and asked "Is seulgi home?" while getting out of the car.

"Aniyo~ she went home yesterday. Wae? (Why?)" She said and I looked at her smirking.

"Hey hey hey! I know that face Yong." She said while laughing giving space to both of us.

We went up to her floor, she opened the door and I slightly pushed her in the near cabinet. Kissing her passionately. I can sense the shock in her face. My hands went to her neck and slowly tracing her back and put my hands inside her. She is now kissing my neck which I gasped.

"Legs up" she commanded and I clang on to her making our way to the couch. I take off my jacket and threw it somewhere I arranged my postion sitting on top of her making Byul sitting between my legs. I reached for Byul t-shirt and pull it out on her, revealing her black bra which is hot!

"You're fast huh!" She said teasingly. Whatever, babe.


Tada~ please wait for tomorrow. This will have diff. smuts. Please bare with me, this is my first time hehe. Thank you for the support.

Lovelots 💕

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