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"Byul, the lyrics are good but it's still lacking. The story is not there yet. Can you write another one?" A man in his 40s said, the composer of the song they're working on.

"Hyungg~" Byul whined at him. Doesn't want to accept what he said, it's already her 4th rejection.

Writing a rap lyrics is not an easy thing to do, a lot of things to be consider - the rhyming, the story, the tempo, deliveration, and specially the composers approval.

"Fighting Byul!" He cheered before turning facing his computer, putting back his headphones to continue his work.

Byul slouched on the sofa, and scrolled at her phone. She's drained, literally. You can sense that she's having a hard time. Ideas isn't coming at her when she badly need it.

"I want to take a nap, I need rest. I badly need it." Byul thought. But knowing the famous rapper, she will not rest until she desrves it, until she finished her task. That's how she respects her job, how professional she is.

After a few minutes, Byul gathered her things and patted the writers' shoulder as a goodbye. She went out and asked a staff if there is a vacant room where she can stay.

Practice Room.

Dimmed lights, aircon on, scattered crumble papers, broken lyrics, earphones in - same song playing in repetition.

Byul POV

I was out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated - manager-nim calling...

"Byul-ah, are you still in the company?"

"Yea--" I'm about to answer.

"You're still at the company?! It's already 9pm, Byul. Did you have dinner?!" She said hysterically.

"9pm? Oh shoot! Didn't notice the time."

"One of the staff messaged me i think 4 hours ago, that's why I checked up on you. Are you writing lyrics?"

"Yeah, I just got rejected....again" I said faintly.

"Byul-ah, it's okay...well please be okay. Don't stress yourself."

"Thanks, unnie. I need to finish this soon."

"Do you want a company? I can go there....Well, moral support. Can't help you with lyrics tho, you need to give me credits." Unnie joked, easing the pressure on me.

"You're funny, I'm okay here...there are trainees practicing so I'm not literally alone. And you need to rest unnie, we finished late yesterday."

"Deh~ we finished late and you need rest too. You even have a schedule tomorrow evening. Promise me you'll go home tonight?"

"Tonight? I'm big now unnie!" Whining.

"Such a baby. Finish that now, good luck byulyi."

"Bye, unnie. Rest well."

Call ended. I placed back my phone, and wore my earphones continuing where I left off.

Maybe I'll go home before sunrise? Hope I can finish this tho.

Yong POV

I am on my bed now ready to doze off, checking my phone for the last time when my famous ringtone - "Sae-yo" Wi's voice rang.

A text message from Manager-nim.

Yongsun, are you still awake? Sorry if it's too late. Can you phone Byul? She's still at the company, you know how hard headed she is when it comes to work. I know she'll listen to you. Kamsahmida~

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