am I? (2)

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Byul POV

I went to the kitchen to grab some soju and beer, when I felt someone behind me.

"Unnie, what are you doing?" She asked behind my ear that made me shiver.

"Yah! You're being clingy today, huh." I said, she never opens the door herself she just uses the intercom but now she even hugged me, and she can just shout out from the living room for that nonsense question.

"Waeyo~? Shiro?" Doing her aegyo. Aist, I know what she's planning to!

"If you're planning something tell me okay?" I whispered to her and peck on her cheeks that made her giggle and scream.

"YAHHH UNNIE!!" No one can beat my greasiness, Seulgiii.

That made Yong look at us, and glare at me. How possesive you are ddun. We sat on the living room and started to eat and drink. I'm shocked when I saw Yong drink a full shot of soju not just once knowing her and her alcohol tolerance, I will be bringing a drunk woman later.

"Unnie, do you have schedule tomorrow? Why are in a rush?" Seulgi asked Yong, they're now both tipsy. I am tipsy too but I can manage.

We started to play different games, and full shot of soju for the loser. I can say me and Yong really have a telepathy because Seulgi always loses. And she's now starting to act clingy again not because of the act but alcohol is the reason, it's normal thing for me as we always drink.

She started laughing out loud smacking my arm and suddenly hugging me or leaning her head to my shoulder. She even played with my rings saying they're beautiful and asking if she can have it, she pulled up the left sleeves of my t-shirt and traced my tattoos, I can see Yong just using her phone looking for her next song.

"Unnie, is it ouchy?"

"Deh~ why are you interested?" I asked

"Should we get a friendship tattoo?? A yolk?" I love to have a friendship tat but not a freaking yolk.

"Why would I put a yolk on my skin? Ask Irene first she will get mad at you" I said knowing Irene she will scold Seulgi. And this girl beside me is calling someone and putting it on loudspeaker.

"Unnie are you busy? What do you think of friendship tattoo? Should we get one or whole RV?" she said as soon as the other line answered.

"Are you drinking, Seulgi-shi?"

"Annyeong Irene-shi!" I said and she just chuckled.

"I bet you're drinkin' again." I just chuckled, because it's true.

"Unnieeeee~" Seulgi whined as she didn't get the answer she want.

"You're drunk again Kang Seulgi! Don't think of having a tattoo, the girls doesn't like that. Buy us a couple jewelry instead." Irene explained.

"Unnie, she's pouting here. Yong, say hi to Irene~ " I said and to tease her.

"But, the Byul-unnie's tattooes are nice."

"Annyeong Irene!" Yong said

"Yeah yeah whatever Seulgi-shi. Annyeong Yongsun-ah! I need to go now i'm still finishing something. Byul, take care of our Seulgi and Yongsun unnie." She requested.

"Of course, take care unnie" I said and we said our goodbyes.

After a few songs, Seulgi said she's now sleepy and she went now to her bedroom that made me chuckled.

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