Chapter 2

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You were the first one to get in that day. You sat at your desk with a cup of coffee, waiting patiently for the rest of your team. After the arrest Nick made with the mugger, you were glad he didn't suspect anything. Anyone who was there might have just thought he stumbled over his feet, but you knew better. This was also one of the reasons you left Central City. It wasn't just the metahumans that occupied the city, but also for your meta abilities. When you first got them you were terrified.

You didn't understand anything and you tried to find a logical explanation for why items were always moving and breaking around you when you got angry or upset. Even when you had positive reactions to situations, there was something not so normal that occurred. After weeks of avoiding the obvious you finally went to S.T.A.R Labs to get some answers. When they told you why these occurrences were happening you didn't believe them, that was until you realized your very own captain was assisting Central City's one and only Flash. Some things didn't have a very logical explanation. After meeting the rest of Team Flash, they helped you get a better handle on your partially destructive abilities.

Telekinesis was a powerful weapon, but a very dangerous one. It took weeks to fully grasp your abilities, months to really control them.. From what Cisco told you, you were merely scratching the surface, neither you, nor anyone else really knew what you were capable of. Not very comforting information in your case. That's why you practiced often, but only ever used them if absolutely necessary. So now that you were finally in a city of mundane people,you felt more than a little relieved. Less chances of you needing your abilities. At least you hoped.

The first person to walk in after you was Nick,with him was Olivia. Their eyes caught you immediately. 

"(Y/N), I heard you and Nick had quite an exciting night."

"Yes boss, you should have seen him. He didn't stand a chance."

"I'd like to take all the credit, but I still don't understand. The guy looked pretty experienced, then he just tripped. Must be karma."

You laughed a bit nervously. "Yeah, well you know what they say." Olivia disappeared into her office, and Nick took a seat at his desk. You sighed sipping on your coffee. "

I need to be more careful, haven't even been here a week and I'm already playing superhero." 

You couldn't help it sometimes. Being around Barry and the others really did rub off on you a lot. A small chuckle escaped you and you clicked on your phone. Watching the display picture with you and Team Flash. There were also a few messages on your phone from said members.

Cisco: "How's New York, hope you're not throwing things around the building already."

Barry: "Hey, if you ever get homesick don't be afraid to call. Also Iris misses you. Be safe."

Caitlin: "Don't over exert yourself, and take lots of vitamins. Also keep track of your blood pressure and heart rate."

Even Harry sent you a text, which was surprising since he acted like he hates everyone, which you know was just a front. He loved them.

Harry: "Ramon is testing my nerves. Don't be a stranger."

Your smile grew at your friends concern. You texted them all back, fingers moving nimbly on the keys. Apparently your insistent typing caught Nick's attention.

"Boyfriend blowing up your phone." He inquired with a smirk. You stammered. "N-No, it's just my friends from back home. " You finished typing, dropping your phone on the desk.

"I-I don't have a boyfriend." you stated meekly. It was a bit embarrassing. You were young, but ever since you were a kid, you've always been focused on your career, it didn't leave a lot of space for relationships. When you finally got your dream job of being a cop, you decided you'd try to go on dates and meet someone. But then the particle accelerator exploded, and your life changed.

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