Spotlight || Chapter 18

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Angela "Angie" Powell

"You should be here." Skip called me one night out of nowhere, suddenly planning to divorce Mayte next year. That "lovely couple" now attended this big-time Versace event and Skip cornered himself somewhere to speak with me in complete privacy.

"You know I can't. Motherhood comes first for me and I don't need Mayte handing over death glares all night." I said back. Jamie was still fast asleep in her room, but we whispered during this particular conversation. Skip learned the habit long ago.

"I know, but damn. I'd just enjoy myself so much more if you were here." Skip whined again, as if pleading would allow me to magically appear during his hissy fit. He'd most likely started pouting in real time, too It wasn't long before I chuckled then, but wouldn't let him in on the joke for once. He was such a kid sometimes.

"Can't always have what you want." I sighed, but smirked all at once. There was no other reaction that seemed more fitting at that time. Silence filled my bedroom, one of the loneliest spaces if it wasn't for Jamie's spot being close by for me right now.

"Yeah, but humor me at least." It wasn't long before Skip chuckled with that low voice, trying to reach my "good side" like he always had before. He wasn't slick, but I rolled my eyes in person here. He knew that I couldn't fly just to see him tonight.

"How? I can't visit you. It's way too late at night where I live right now and Jamie's asleep." I then offered truth, but Skip wouldn't hang up to leave me alone. If I couldn't leave this house to visit his party, what could happen here otherwise?

"You owe me, then. A song, maybe?" Skip most likely wiggled his perfect eyebrows in person. Another smirk probably ran across his lips. I knew that something like this. It was no secret that music still brought us together after all these years.

"What kind of song?" My curiosity peaked. This huge smile spread across my face before long and I soon thought back to the early days of our bond. Skip and I would literally stay up all night to make music, even if some tracks never reached albums.

"Just think of something and I'll call you." Skip perked up his voice, acting like a kid in candy stores. The only time he seemed to act this adorable had been around Jamie. Those two best friends would giggle all day until he left again.

"All right. Talk to you soon. Good night." I hung up that phone and already headed downstairs to my recording studio in the basement. Hopefully, Jamie wouldn't wake up and try to figure what I was doing. She had school in the morning, of course.


My song for him ended up being "The Greatest Romance Ever Sold." Not long after I handed over lyrics and Skip put down his usual magic, we collaborated once again. The album liner notes didn't include my real name for privacy reasons, but I didn't care. This choice turned out to be another project for my best friend.

A few months later, Skip invited me to visit him backstage after his interview with Larry King. He released his "Rave" album. Once again, I'd called up nannies to watch after Jamie, of course. My little princess complained, but still stayed home.

As usual, the hour was late off set, but we didn't care

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As usual, the hour was late off set, but we didn't care. I'd felt so proud of him. We shared another hug. Scents of different perfume even mixed together as we held each other close. His elusive grin returned, sending butterflies to my stomach now.

"What's in your hair?" I then folded both arms as we pulled away from this embrace, chuckling. Even Skip glanced toward the mirror in this room and lowered his long, swept hair, peeking as if he'd never seen my own observation before.

"It's glitter, but blame Jamie. Remember when she made those sparkle hearts for your birthday? Kim almost killed me when it was time to fix my hair, but I had this lightbulb moment before the interview." Skip laughed to himself, then facing me.

"You're so cute." I reached and held his face, but stood back. For all I knew, Larry or Mayte could've lurked around us again. I rolled my eyes, still marveling over the outfit that Skip chose tonight. One of the few times I'd felt in awe, even now.

"Stop it." Skip blushed moments later, lowering his eyes with another adorable smile and covering his face. I moved his hands away, kissing his cheek to say goodbye. As my heels moved away to leave him alone again, he stopped me.

"What?" I turned around, moving back towards him with another round of laughter as I tried to figure out what he wanted this time. Knowing him, a different song could've reached his mind or something. My mind soon jumbled with questions.

Instead, our moment in time didn't show anything that I expected.

It wasn't long before this man, my best friend, knelt down, reached into his fabric pocket, and opened this small velvet box. My eyes zeroed on one trinket and the deep purple shade of an amethyst, my birthstone, shined in the center of a ring.

"Nineteen years ago, you changed me forever. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably never become as happy as I am. I know that it just sounds cliche, but you really are the girl of my dreams. Being around you and Jamie saves me. You are my girl, not anyone else. I'm so sorry that it took this long Baby, but I'm here now." Skip stopped between his own words to tear up. I hadn't seen him cry in this manner since he'd lost Amiir with Mayte. My heart shattered. Silence fell between us.

"Finish what you started." I laughed through my own tears. I then watched him sniffle before long, but he still pulled himself together and braced to ask the one question that just raced through his mind. It was now or never. We already knew it.

"Angela Macy Powell, will you marry me?" Skip asked, fighting tears again. Memories of us reached the corners of my mind. Anyone else would've been terrified of this moment, but I'd never felt so happy near someone, especially him.

Before I could say yes, Mayte stood near the door. 

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