On the rock.

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It was around midday and Dean awoke from a weak splashing sound in the water. He slowly opened his eyes, not moving the rest of his body. What could it be? The splashing stopped and Dean froze, but after a second it continued. He slowly lifted his head so he could see what was in front of him. In the distance he saw someone sitting on a rock. He had his back turned to Dean so he could stand up unnoticed. He stepped towards the water but not yet going in it. He wanted to see who it was, there all alone. How did he get here. Had there been another ship wreck in that same storm? It had to be. Maybe he was in danger. The man was half covered by the rock so Dean couldn't see him that well. "Heeey, are you alright?!" Dean shouted towards the person, which turned around quickly and with an startled look in his eyes he stared at Dean. He froze and took a step back. It were almost the same deep blue eyes he had seen before, but that was dream, he was convinced of it. He didn't have long to think about it because the person dove off the rock and almost soundless into the water. A glimpse of a light blue tail was visible before he disappeared. "Wait! Don't go! I want to help! Who are you?!" He quickly said, the only words he could think of. He was startled. Did this mean it wasn't a dream, it was all true?! His legs got weak and he fell on the sand behind him.
No, no, no... I knew this would happen. Never ever talk to them Chuck always said. And now, see what happened when he got in that storm. I couldn't leave him, he would die. The merman hid behind the rock, looking at the human. He wanted to go to him, he didn't sound very aggressive as Chuck always said they would be. Slowly waving his tail to stay almost an inch beneath the surface. The man on the beach looked startled around him. The merman couldn't help himself to feel sorry for him. He couldn't get close to him, so he decided to swim to a cave, which was connected by the sea via a underwater tunnel. He turned around and swam slowly towards the cave. It was dark in the cave but a few emerald green stones lit up parts of it. It was shallow on the places close to the walls but in the middle it was deep. This was were the merman would stay most of the time. Sometimes climbing out and plucking some fruits but never going to far from it on land.

When Dean was over the shock he walked towards the rock, into the water. It was shallow at first but after a few meters he had to swim. But once he got to the rock there wasn't anyone. He climbed on top of it to get a better look out over the island. He saw his shelter and not far from it were a few fruit trees, oranges and apples. Once he saw those he knew he was getting hungry and he swam back. Once on the beach he quickly dried himself a little bit with the blanket and then got to the fruit trees. Immediately plucking an orange and starting to peel it. It was delicious, he hadn't had fruit in a while and he enjoyed the taste. After throwing the peels on the ground he looked around him. Not much further there was a cave, it had a little bit of a green glow. Curious Dean stepped towards it. By the entrance of the cave he hesitated, but he didn't have anything to lose so he stepped in.

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