Chapter 10

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❤Kirishima's POV❤

I missed this, I miss being with him. I can't believe this almost ended just because of- wait wait wait, go back. Because Kami told him this? No, he must be confusing him for another person, there's no way Kami could ever try to sabotage this for me. He knew how I felt about Katsuki... plus he's my bro. Bros don't do that to each other. But then that begs the question, what did happen?

"Hey Kat?" I ask, pulling away from our embrace. "Yea?" He questions. "You said that the dude inside told you all this BS, are you 100% sure that it was that specific man who said that." I ask him, pointing at Kami through the window, who was currently on smiling while looking at his phone. I can't help but be nervous for his answer. "Yea, dumba**. He's the only person in the damn s***ty store. Now lets go inside so we can beat his a**!" 

Why would Kami do this though? It's just so unlike him... . Kat grabs my hand and drags me back to the store. Kami looks up from his phone with a smile, but the second he saw us together, his smile dropped. "W-What are you two doing together?" He asks nervously, his voice slightly quivering as he motions to our connected hands. "Listen here you piece of s-" Kat starts, but before he can finish I cut him off. "Kat." I start, "I think you should wait outside for a little bit. I want to talk with him alone. Is that ok?" I ask. He looks up at me with a pissed off face and sighs. "Fine." He says annoyed, before walking out of the store.

I turn my attention back to Kami, who had a guilty look on his face with some tears flowing out of his eyes. "Kami, I want you to explain what happened." I say in an angry, aggressive voice. "Why are you asking if you already know what I did?!" He questions, his voice loud. "Because I f***ing trusted you and you did this! Why the hell would you even think about doing this?!" I yell at him. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" He yells, now full on sobbing. I feel my heart drop the second those words left his mouth. "W-What? I don't-... I don't understand..." I whisper and surprisingly, he heard it. 

"You heard me dammit! I have loved you for the past 4 years! I've tried to do everything just for you to notice me in that way! Four f***ing years Eijiro! And after all that work I put in, some random dude just shows up and all of a sudden you two are practically in love! How is that fair?! Do you know how much it hurt to hear you talk about him the way you did? Do you know how I felt when my heart got shattered to pieces?! After all that effort and time I put in, I still have to be alone while you're out there with somebody else. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?!" He screams, his voice shaking and almost every other word being interrupted with a hiccup due to him sobbing so much. 

Suddenly, it all makes sense. How had I not noticed it before? The way whenever I got close to him he would have the reddest blush, the way that he would always dress up like a damn model whenever we were together, even if it was just a casual hang out, how he'd always try to be close to me. Suddenly I feel like an idiot. He was only his knees know, with his hands wiping away all if his tears. His sobs were heartbreaking. I understand why he did what he did. Even if I don't agree or like what he did, I can't be mad at him. Not while he's like this.

I walk over to where he is and sit down on the floor in front of him. He looks up at me and whispers "I'm sorry..." I open my arms and smile at him. "It's ok, I forgive you" (fOrGiVeNeSs CoUlD yOu ImAgInE?). He looks at me with confused eyes, but the hesitation only lasts for a mere couple of seconds before he throws himself into my arms and cries in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around him, engulfing him into a hug and use one of my hands to stroke his hair, a motion I knew would help calm his down.


Eventually, he calms down and slowly pulls away from me. His eyes were all red and puffy and the res of his face was a reddish-pinkish. He looks me in the eyes and a couple more tears fall from his eyes. "Shh, it's ok" I tell him. "I-If you're n-not mad... can w-we still be f-friends?" Kami asks, his voice still shaking. "Of course." I tell him while smiling at him. He smiles. "I'm sorry... I know this must hurt a lot." I tell him. I can't imagine how he must be feeling. If Kat left me I'd be heartbroken and I've only known him for a couple days. I can't imagine how it must feel having to go through it for years.

"Thank you... but it's ok. I'm going to need some time though..." He trails of, looking at the corner of the room instead of at me. "Hey, it's ok. Take all the time you need to make yourself happy again." He smiles at me again and starts to get up. I get up with him as well. "Thank you. I should be going though. You should probably talk to-... what was his name again? Oh- Bakugou! Yea, you should talk to him about this. He has been wait for a while and he seems pretty pissed." Kami says, pointing his finger at the window.

Through the window I can see Kat scowling and staring at us, though the moment he realizes we caught him staring, he immediately looks away and pretends he wasn't looking. I can't help but laugh. He's so cute... ❤. I turn back to Kami. "Best of luck to you bro" I tell him. He looks up at me and pulls me into a hug. "Same to you bro" I tells me. He pulls away from the hug and walks out of the shop. I hope what went down doesn't ruin or affect our friendship. He's a really goof friend and I'd hate to lose him.

As soon as he walks out, Kat comes walking back in. "So, how'd it go?" He asks me while walking towards me. I put my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me. "I'll tell you all about it, buuuuuuuuut w're going to have to cuddle first!"

And there's that chapter! Hope you enjoy~! Words: 1145

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