Chapter 5

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I don't want my mum to see whats being going on at school, because she will go to the school and talk to the principle and then I would get even more bullied for being a baby and dibber dobbing.
"Jessica honey why haven't you told me about this" Mum says as she strokes her fingers through my black hair.
"I just uh I.. Don't worry about it mum it's nothing ok" I tell her.
I snatch my phone off her and start scanning through my recent messages a little tear falls down my face I try to stop it I don't want my mum to know im getting hurt
Unknown number: Glad you didn't come to school today everyone looks so much happier.
Unknown number: Why are you still here you should be off with your so called friend Phoebe far away. I don't even think she really likes you cause no one likes you.

I know Phoebe likes me why would she be visiting if she didn't.

I decide I have to stop this so I block every number that has every sent me a rude message. Done that solves one problem. Maybe I should apologise to my mum for getting annoyed at her.

I walk into her room and find her looking very upset I see a picture in her hand of my dad and her. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer while my mum was pregnant with me and he died not long after my first birthday I never really got to know my dad. I then realise why she's so upset it's he's birthday in a couple of days and every year she spends the whole day in her room crying. Maybe nows not the best time to tell her everything.

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