Chapter 17

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1:30 PM
Hayley and I rushed around to pack for tour. Brendon and Sarah were at the house, helping us. Sarah was upstairs in the bedroom with Hayley. Brendon was downstairs in the recording room packing equipment. "So, how's the pregnancy going?" He asked me. "Going good. The baby is in the kicking phase." I chuckled. "Oh that sounds glorious. Has she bitched yet?" I gave him a death stare. "Sorry." He said. "To answer your question, no, she hasn't." I said. We grabbed the bags of equipment and set them by the door. "Ladies, let's go! Bus will be leaving in 5 minutes!" Brendon yelled. "Okay! One of us is pregnant so don't rush!" Sarah yelled. They finally came downstairs and we left the house. I changed the locks so Elisa couldn't get in. I checked each door and window. Then, I left out the door.
We got in the bus and were greeted by Spencer and Dallon. I've always loved these guys. "Little miss pregnant!" Spencer screamed. He hugged Hayley and spun her around. "Little miss flawless! I missed you!" She said. "How do you know each other?" Brendon asked. "High school" Spencer replied. "We had every class together." She said. "What's that?" Spencer pointed to her ring. "A ring. Patrick and I are engaged" she said with a wide smile. "Oh my god! Congratulations!" He hugged her again. "thank you, Spence." She said. She's not afraid to show it. Brendon and Dallon got a closer look and awed at it. I'm a bit jealous myself.
Brendon and Dallon loved it. They wanted me to take the ring off but of course, it was a hell no. I wouldn't dare let them touch it or breath on it. After while, we all got settled and just hung out. The first stop was in California. I'm going to miss Chicago. The cold breeze and Patrick's bed. But yet again, it'd be nice to get away. Brendon and Patrick began to sing and play guitar together. Dallon joined in a few minutes later. Spencer was on the phone and Sarah and I talked in the back lounge.
"So, what's the gender?" She asked. "Don't know yet. We may find a doctor on tour and get an ultrasound. I'm hoping for a boy but Patrick wants a girl. Hopefully choosing a name isn't as stressful as wishing for a specific gender" I laughed to myself. "Well, no matter the gender, I guarantee the baby will be as beautiful as you and your babe." She gave a smile. "Sarah, I know." I gave her a look. "I don't want to rush Brendon but if I do, I'm afraid he'll give up on me." she looked down with a broken face. "Don't think that way. You are absolutely beautiful. There's only one Sarah that comes in Brendon's life. And he married that Sarah. And you know, they are in love. And that Sarah, is you. Brendon chose you. Not any other girl. Not even Ryan Ross." We both laughed. "Thanks, Hayley. You really are a true friend. Thank you." She hugged me. "I'm always here for you, Dear." We gave each other assuring smiles then walked back out front with the guys. "There they are!" Brendon sings. I noticed Sarah blushing. She sat down on his lap and give him a small peck on the lips. I sat next to Patrick and leaned my head against his, pressing my forehead on his. "My baby." He whispers. "My baby" I mimic. He smiled and pressed his warm lips against my own. He released and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Get a room, you lovebirds!" Dallon jokes. "Seriously. You're killing the brobeck vibe." Spencer retaliated. "If you were in love like us, you wouldn't be saying that." Brendon joked. "I happen to have a lady at home." He witted. "Oh really? Who's this 'lady at home' you speak of?" Brendon says throwing up air quotes. "Bessica." Spencer said. We looked at him with stupidity. "My bed. I named it Jessica. Put it together and you get Bessica." We still had the same looks on our face. "Shut up.." He grumbled and smiled cheekily. This is going to be one hell of a tour.

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