lil note

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Okay, I know it's early in the chapter but I'm really trying to get this going, but I've had things come up, dealing with fake people, toxic people, moving and just recently my great grandmother passed away, which was on July 31st. Ive also had the death of my friend which was a couple of months ago and he was part of our graduating class and he was also my culinary buddy. I know it's been a while since then for both but it still hurts, especially with my grandmother since she helped me so much with live and all that. And the last time I seen her was February 22nd, I was hoping to see her before she passed away but that never happened and with all the drama on her side of the family. I have a feeling that I won't be able to go to her funeral and say my last goodbye to her and to also see my great grandfather too before he passes away. It's just so confusing and difficult right now and I'm sorry for the long wait.
But I definitely will try to update soon, since I'm doing a bit better. So just try to be patient with me.

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