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Sunmi sat down on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest as her arms wrapped around it

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Sunmi sat down on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest as her arms wrapped around it. Ryujin was sound asleep on her bed, she didn't want to wake her up so there she was, thoughts overflowing her mind. She reached over for her phone on the small table next to the bed. She opened it to see missed calls from Kyungwon and few messages but right now she couldn't care less. She put her phone back and sighed.

What happened to her life? What happened to Kyungwon? What happened to her? She didn't know what to do anymore. It didn't made sense to her. Why didn't Kyungwon let her break up with him? He obviously didn't love her anymore so why?

She missed the old Kyungwon, the sweet one. He was always there for her and he loved her. He didn't treated her like how he is now. But people change right? Maybe.

She just wanted to know why is he the person he is today. Did she not cared or loved him enough? Was she boring? Was she not pretty enough? Was she not good enough? Did their relationship meant nothing from the start? They had been together for almost two years and she didn't know what she did wrong, and she blamed herself for it.

Ryujin. She's so grateful for her. They had been together through thick and thin. She's shocked at how Ryujin hasn't leave her and her bullshit yet. But she knew Ryujin would never leave her cause she's always on her side.

Lately she had been feeling a little weird around Ryujin. Her heart would start beating rapidly, flutters, or her stomach would feel like butterflies inside when she's around her. She was the happiest around her. Ryujin made her feel happy and safe. The security and comfort she needed from Kyungwon that she never received anymore but she received it from Ryujin. She didn't want to know why this was happening and she didn't want to believe it. She was in denial.

She knew exactly all these signs meant but she just didn't want to acknowledge it. She couldn't possibly be falling in love with her best friend...right?

Sunmi shakes her head, bringing herself back to reality. She turn over to look to Ryujin sleeping, she looked so peaceful and beautiful. Sunmi felt herself smiling but it quickly disappeared

"Are you going back to bed?" Ryujin asked quietly, half asleep

Sunmi's heart almost dropped and her eyes widened "S-sorry did I woke you up?" She asked quietly

"No..I just couldn't feel your presence next to me." Ryujin hummed

"Oh." Sunmi felt herself blushed

"Come here." Ryujin patted the space next to her, holding out the blanket so Sunmi could joined her back and she did

"What were you thinking?" Ryujin asked, brushing away Sunmi's hair that fall over her face

"J—just life..you know." Sunmi said, feeling herself grow hot at the close proximity between her and Ryujin and she felt herself glancing down to Ryujin's lips. She thank god it was dark or Ryujin would see her blushing.

"Go to sleep, Sunny." Ryujin arms snakes around Sunmi's waist, pulling her into a hug position with her head resting on Sunmi's chest

"O—ok." Sunmi gulped, resting her arms around Ryujin

"I love you." Ryujin mumble, going back to sleep

"I....love you too."


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