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(Kai's POV)

"Wake up Kai" Harry says shaking me. "Okay, okay I'm up" I say pushing his hand away. I reach around for my glasses before Harry hands them to me. "Thanks mate" I say putting them on. Harry opens the door and we walk to the kitchen. "Go grab the post" Petunia says the second we walk into the kitchen. Harry and I walk out and pick up the post from the ground going through it. We didn't see anything interesting until we come across two different letters. One said Mr. H. Potter and the other said Mr. K. Dursley but other then that they were the same. Each was addressed to the cupbert under the stairs which was weird. Harry and I walk back into the kitchen handing Vernon his post. Harry and I each walk over to the table about to open our letters before Dudley snatches them out of our hands yelling "Dad look, Harry and Elizabeth have a letter" He hands them to Vernon while I say "I told you my name is Kai Dudley." He ignores me as Vernon says "What, who would be writing a letter to you too?" Before looking over the letters. Vernon and petunia look at me and Harry with a mixed look of disgust, shock, and horror. We're ordered to our "room" immediately. "What do you think that was about Harry?" I ask Harry laying down. "I don't know Kai, but stop laying on top of me" Harry groans playfully pushing me off of him. I land on the ground letting out an "oof," we both start laughing at me.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness.

Over the next week owls had started to gather around the house and more and more letters came each day. Of course before Harry or Kai could get them Vernon would tear them up. After 2 days I'm getting the letters Vernon drills a board over the post slot hoping that would stop the letters from coming. Also because they knew that Harry and Kai were staying in the cupbert Vernon had decided to move them into Dudley's second bedroom. Dudley of course was not happy about this throwing a tantrum and starting to beat Kai and Harry up worse every time he saw us. When Sunday came around Vernon was in a "terrific" mood.

"Aw, Sunday" "In my opinion the best day of the week and why is that Dudley?" Vernon says happily. Dudley looks at him stupidly shrugging his shoulders before shoving more cookies into his mouth. "Because they're's not post on Sunday" Harry says giving Vernon a cookie. "Right you are Harry" Vernon says taking a cookie. "No post on Sunday" "Ha, no blasted letters today, no sir" Vernon keeps about no letters as me and Harry walk over to the window. I notice a bird so I move the curtains and Harry and I see dozens of owls. Vernon was still talking about letters when me and Harry hear the sound of paper and Vernon finally shuts up. We turn around and the house starts shaking as hundreds of letters start spewing out of the fireplace. Petunia, Dudley, and Vernon start yelling but me and Harry try to catch one of our letters. Once we catch one of our letters each we run off but Vernon chases after us. "Give me that letter" he roars as he grabs Harry and trys to rip the letter out of his hands. "Get off" Harry yells and I drop my letter and try to pry Vernon's hands off of Harry. We fall to the ground and continue wrestling for the letter. "That's it, we're going away far away where they can't find us" Vernon yells and emits all of  the chaos I can make out Dudley saying "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he"

Hey guys that's the end of another chapter. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day.

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