Giant men and wizards

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Thunder booms as waves crash against the shack they were in. After the insane incident with the letters, Vernon drove everyone out to the middle of nowhere and rented out a small old boat. They got into the boat and they arrived about 45 minutes later at a creepy old looking shack on some rocks. Everyone entered the shack. Dudley taking the couch, Vernon and Petunia taking the bedroom upstairs leaving only the dusty, cold floor for Kai and Harry. Harry and Kai were given a thin blanket to share while everyone else got at least 2 apiece. A few hours later Kai and Harry were the only ones awake. Kai was drawing Harry a birthday cake in the dust on the floor. Dudley's watch beeps signaling 12 am. "Make a wish Harry" Kai says quietly with a smile. Harry blows out the dust candles and they smile at each other and hug.


(Kai's POV)

Something hits the door waking everyone up. Dudley screens and Harry and I stand up and slowly back up into the corner of the room.




There it was again. What every it was it was trying to break down the door. I grab Harry's arm and suddenly


The door falls to the ground and a very tall and intimidating man walks into the shack. Everyone screams as he walks in. Vernon has his gun pointed at the intruder as Petunia hides behind him. Once the man is fully inside he put his umbrella into his pocket and says apologetically "Sorry 'bout that" before picking up the door and putting it back in place. Vernon yells at the giant man "I demand you leave at once sir, this is breaking and entering" still pointing his loud gun at the man. The man walks over to Vernon intimidatingly and guns the barrel of the gun and says "Dry up Dursley, you great prune" before bending the barrel with his bare hand. The gun shoots into the sky adding another whole to the already falling apart shack. The man walks over to Dudley with a friendly smile and says "Boy, Aven't seen you since you were a baby 'Arry but you're a bit more along then I would 'ave expected." "Particularly 'round the middle" "Also where's your cousin, Kai 'Arry," Dudley stutters out "I-I-I'm not Harry." "I am" Harry says coming out of the corner. "I'm Kai" I say standing behind Harry tho you could still see me since I was 3 inches taller them him. "Well 'course you are" The man says to us smiling. "Got, something for you 'Arry" The man goes through his pockets before bringing out what looked like a cake box. " 'Fraid, I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it'll taste fine all the same" Harry opens the box  The man says "Baked it myself words and all" proudly.  A small pink and green cake that says "Happy Birthday Harry" on it was inside. "Thank you" Harry says astonished by the cake. I give the man a warm smile knowing how much this actually means to Harry. "Well it's not everyday your young man sends 11 now is it aye?" The man says with a bright smile. He sits on the couch making it sag and pulls out his umbrella. He points it at the embers on the fire place and a flame shoots out starting a blazing fire. Harry and I look shocked but I look over my shoulder to see Petunia and Vernon looking at us in disgust and the man in fear. Harry carefully places down his cake and looks back over at the man. "Excuse me, but who are you?" Harry asks politely. "Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, 'course you know all about Hogwarts" Hagrid says. Harry and I looks confused. "Sorry, no we don't" I say visibly confused. "No," Hagrid repeats back confused. "Blimey, 'Arry, didn't you ever wonder we're your parents learned it all" Hagrid says confusing us more. "Learned what?" Harry asks confused. "Your a wizard 'Arry, you too Kai although your a special case" Hagrid says sending a small wink my way. "I'm a what?" Harry asks shocked. "A wizard, and a thumping good one I'd wager, once you've trained up a bit" Hagrid says with a smile. I look over and see that Vernon is turning almost purple and petunia looks like she wants to either cry or kill someone. "No, you've made a mistake" "I mean I can't be a wizard, we can't be wizards" I'm Harry just Harry" Harry's says quickly. "And I'm just Kai" I says confused as to why Hagrid thinks we're wizards. "Well, just Harry and just Kai, you ever make anything happen, something you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared," Harry and I look and each other thinking back on all of the strange things that have happened to us. A look of realization falling upon our faces. Hagrid smiles at us knowingly. Hagrid stands up pulling 2 letters from his pocket handing them to Harry and I. Harry and I open them and Harry reads his out loud. Ours said the same thing the only difference was our names.

Dear Mr. Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.

There was more to the letter but Vernon comes says "They will not be going at all" "We swore when we took him in we would put a stop to all of this rubbish and Elizabeth is not a wizard" Harry and I look at him shocked. "You knew?" "You knew along and you never told me" Harry says angryly. "Of course we knew, how could you not be." "My perfect sister being who she was, ah my mother and father were so "proud" the day she got her letter" "A witch in the family isn't it wonderful?" "I was the only one to see her for what she was, a freak, and when she met that Potter and the she had you and I knew you'd be just the same. "Just as strange, just as abnormal, and if you please she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you" Petunia says venomously walking over to Vernon. "BLOWN UP, YOU TOLD ME MY PARENTS DIED IN A CAR CRASH" Harry yells angryly. "A CAR CRASH, A CAR CRASH KILL LILY AND JAMES POTTER" Hagrid says outraged. "Well we had to say something" Petunia says snottily. "Its an outrage, it's a scandle" Hagrid says. They will not be going" Vernon says loudly. "Oh, and I supposed a big muggles like you is going to stop them" Hagrid says tauntingly. "Muggle" Harry asks confused. "Non magic folk" Hagrid answers quickly. "These BOYS names have been put down ever since they were born." "Their going to the find a School of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and taught under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen Albus Dumbledore" Hagrid says making sure to emphasize the word boys. "I will not pay some crackpot old fool will teach them magic tricks" Vernon says defiantly. The atmosphere of the room changes as you can see a darkened expression fall upon hagrid's face. "Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me" Hagrid says, pointing his umbrella at Vernon with each word. My blood was boiling at this point. "How dare you, say that about Aunt Lily and Uncle James!" I yell making everyone look at me. "Even if they were a witch and a wizard the better parents than you two will ever be" I say the Vernon and Petunia. "And how can you disrespect a highly intelligent and respected man that you've never even met" I say astonished that these are my birth parents. Vernon looks at me and raises his hand about to slap me when Hagrid grabs it. "If you ever lay a hand on him around me, you'll regret it" Hagrid says angrily. He lets go of Vernon's wrist and points umbrella at Dudley. A small light shoots out of the umbrella at Dudley's butt and a pigtail appears. Vernon, petunia, and Dudley start screaming as Harry and I laugh. Hagrid chuckles and waits until they run upstairs. he looks over at us and clears his throat before saying "Oh, and I would appreciate if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that," "Strictly speaking I'm not allowed to do magic" Harry and I nod our heads smiling. "Oh, we're a bit behind schedule, best be off" Hagrid says checking his pocket watch before walking to the door. I follow after him but Harry hesitates. Hagrid opens the door and we look back at him. "Unless you'd like to stay of course" Hagrid says before walking outside. I smile and grab Harry's arm dragging him outside with me.

And that's the end of another chapter, hoped you enjoyed it. Also to clear some things up. In this version of the movies/books the prophecy it says that the chosen one will also have a protector. That protector being Kai. Now you may be wondering how does everyone know to call him Kai instead of Elizabeth. Well basically when he was born trelawney had a vision of his name, and him coming out to his parents when he was 8 years old. Trelawney tells Dumbledore so  he puts his name down as a Kai Phoenix Dursley instead of Elizabeth Marie Dursley. I know it's kinda weird but I like it so. Anyways hoped that cleared up any confusion, so talk to ya next time peace ✌️.


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