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I don't show what I feel. Not anymore. A long time ago, very long time ago, I still did, because I was young and stupid. Not quite similar to what I am now...

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„Scyaram, dear, time for you to wake up."

Such a lovely voice in all of the mess I was created in. It was just a child. Sasha. She was different from her father, so gentle and patient and for some reason she adored me so much. Carefully she picked me up and patted me.

„You're the prettiest little girl ever~ Oh! I even made a little thing for you! Give me a second!"

As she let me down she searched for a small box in her bag to give it to me. Inside there was a hat, dark green shimmery. Surprised I looked at her as she proudly smiled, telling me she made it all by herself, because she knew I didn't like my pale head. I'd always been jealous of her beautiful hair. It was soft and fluffy and always seemed to shimmer very beautifully. As I put the hat on me I smiled. It gave me some sort of happiness, even if it was still a little too big for me. She laughed and seemed super excited about my reaction. Then she looked at the clock.

„Oh dear. I need to get going now, I'll be back after school, as always! Come here, small cuddle."

Tightly I hugged her as she then left off after waving goodbye. I walked up to the mirror. My hat fit so well to my clothing, it made me laugh and move around a bit sassy in front of the mirror. Suddenly the door opened and I stood still, facing him. My creator.

„What'cha got there?"

I became a bit nervous.

„Uhm.. I uh... It's a hat, Sir. Your daughter made it for me."

„... Whatever, just come down already. You got your stuff to do."

I nodded and followed downstairs. The complete house was rather dirty and old, yet they couldn't afford to move somewhere else, so I had to try to keep this place as clean as somehow possible. As I came to the garden and noticed my creator sleeping I went up to the fence, curiously watching all the other people. An old woman would always come up to me and ask me about my day, maybe even give me some food from time to time that I would immediately hide for Sasha. She said it was called „Candy" and it was rather sweet, but for me, eating was a strange thing to do. This certain day tho, I was watching a family with their child. That little boy seemed so happy, as well as his parents. The way they played together made me sort of sad, because I never got to do something similar. On the same evening I sat on the window pane in Sasha's room, waiting for her to come home. Hours passed. It started to snow and became really dark. Where could she have been? I jumped down and grabbed one of her coats to put it over me for a second, then walked out in front of the door, to see if she was somewhere near. No Sasha. Sad and worried I looked around, even yelled out her name. Nothing. Suddenly a carriage stopped in front of our door as a man came out, looking at me. He was all covered in black and seemed rather sad. My creator came outside as well.

„Sir Smirnov, I'm afraid I have bad news for you."


„Unfortunately, we found your daughter to be lying on the street earlier today, about an hour ago. A car seemed to have hit her..."

I held my breath and just stared at him. He had to be lying. I found my creator suddenly looking at me, telling me to go inside this instant. I ran up into Sashas room, slammed the door and let myself fall down, leaning my back against the door as I started to cry. The only person who was there for me, the only person who understood and cared for me, was taken away from me. Soon after, the door opened and I jumped away a bit, facing my creator again. He seemed mad, very mad as he started to yell at me how it was my fault Sasha had died. Still crying I yelled back that it wasn't me to have been driving that car, calling him an idiot. He grabbed me by the neck.

„You little shit, I only kept you because of her. I don't have a damn problem with having you dead instead."

He then put me to the ground and held me there, no matter how much I fought back. I cried for help but no one came. There was pain for a moment but then everything went black. It must have been quite a while before I was able to wake up, because everything seemed changed. I was changed, my whole appearance had changed, still I felt the same. A very uncomfortable metallic thing was tied to my neck. It hurt so badly, so I tried to get it off with, but that only caused more pain. I was scared and uncertain. It was looking even worse in this room now. Sasha... I looked sadly to the ground as suddenly the door opened. Him again. I got mad but he stopped me and held up a little something. A strange button.

„If you ever dare to even try to get your hands on me again, you will pay."

I noticed how that thing had the same color as that small light that was on my metal thing. I got down from the bed and up to him. How come I was almost as tall as he was now? How long had I been gone for to grow this much? I stared at him but he left the room, slamming the door. After a moment I looked at myself in the mirror as I noticed how the only feminine part of me left were my eyes. They had way too long lashes for a guy. I sighed and rested my head against the mirror. It felt so awfully sad in this room, in this house. It felt like I was suffocating. The sadness became anger soon enough tho as I walked down to him. It was his fault, not mine, after all his daughter died and not mine. I've clearly had enough of him treating me like garbage. Of course I learned, even if I was to attack him, he'd still win with his dumb mechanical bullshit around my neck. The button he had was like a remote that was able to electro shock me whenever he felt like it. I became mad, first at him but then at myself. I hurt my legs so badly, it looks days for them to recover, but I kept continuing. For 5 whole years it became my routine. One day, I decided that something had to finally change, so I fled. Somewhere, I just wanted to feel safe. I had found someone, someone who was the strangest virus I'd ever seen. But with kindness and calmness he made me feel stable again, at least as much as I could at that time. Instead of being aggressive I started to read, instead of hurting I let my emotions out on paper. I began to learn, but also to avoid others who'd come and go, as one day we had to leave to this strange place in the middle of the forest. A female virus would always be by my side tho, she'd help me go through my problems as well as I listened to hers. She was... lovely.

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