📱🥃⚠️1 + Party

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"Maya, I'm not sure I want to go in." I hesitated opening the door to the party. I checked my phone to see the time 10:34 and my wallpaper a picture of cute picture of Maya.

You could hear the loud music blaring from speaking from a block down. I intertwined my fingers with my best friend that stood besides me. We looked each other up and down.

"You look pretty." Maya said to uplift my confidence.

"You're gonna have every boy in you tonight." I said back as she giggled.

She wore:

She wore:

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I wore:

She opened the door and the smell of weed and alcohol hit me in the face

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She opened the door and the smell of weed and alcohol hit me in the face. Almost immediately, Maya was no where to be found. I pushed through the sweaty and drunk bodies in the living room and avoiding the couples that were practically have sex on the the couches.

I found the kitchen where only around 20 people were so I sat on the counter in the corner, swinging my legs and scrolling through Instagram.

After around 5 minutes, I got off and went over to a girl wearing a black mike sports bra and sweat shorts. Odd party clothing choice but...it's all good.

"Hey is that punch or..." i questioned the punch bowl in front of her.

"Um...no that has like..a shit ton of alcohol in it." She laughed.

"Oh." I said quietly.

"There's lemonade in the fridge tho." I gave a small smile before taking out a Hard Mikes lemonade.

"NoooOoOoOoo," she said taking it from me, "this also has alcohol. They're in the back to the left more." She said passing the other drink to a random boy that walked by.

"Thanks. I'm Natalie by the way." I said opening the can.

"I'm Ag." She said before turning back to her friend.

I went back to the counter in the corner scrolling through TikTok this time.


"She's cute." Maihua said punching my shoulder in a jokingly way.

"Maihua you need to chill. She asked for a lemonade and she got it. It's not like I'm saving her life and we're gonna fall in love, break up, go back to each other, get married, adopt 2 children and buy a pet snake." I laughed quietly.

"Damn. Really planning your guys life out." Maihua laughed.

"Shut up and go get fucked up." I joked and pushed her back.

"Ima go drink and find everyone else. You get her insta." She smiled turning away.

I leaned against a random counter and started scrolling through instagram.


I had to go to the bathroom so I hopped off the counter and walked to a guy who was also on his phone.

"Can you hold my drink...please? I really have to go to the restroom." I said and he grabbed my drink.

"Why me?" He said looking at what i was drinking.

"You look nice and trustworthy." I smirked patting his chest.

"Ten minutes...or I drink it." He said.

"I'll be back in 5." I said turning away and walking upstairs.


I saw Natalie hand her drink off to some guy in the other corner. She walked away and I immediately walked over there.

"You know Natalie?" I asked calmly not trying to start problems.

"Eh. Sure," He shrugged, "I'm watching her drink so...feel free to back away from me, faggot." He smirked.

"Derek. For real. Hand me the drink." I insisted.


"Yes." I pulled it slightly, but of course his dramatic ass had to cause a scene.

Before I knew it, Natalies drink was covering my stomach and sports bra.

"Watch it you faggot!" He yelled.

"You bitch." I said looking up from my stomach.

"Ag?" Natalie said from behind me.

I turned around to see her and then i walked to the sink to rinse some of the lemonade out of my hair.


"What the hell happened?" I asked him.

"That fucking FAGGOT spilt your drink. Sorry baby." He said raising his voice at the 'f*ggot' and looking at Ag rinsing some of my drink out of her hair. She glared back at him.

"Well just take this." He said handing me a random drink.

"Uh....ok. Yeah..ok." I unsuringly agreed.

I soon went drink after drink. Then it all kinda went black.


I kinda just stopped paying attention to Natalie and Derek.

Soon Maihua came up to me drunk as hell.

"You good?" I asked her.

She muttered something before going back to the main area.

"Fuck." I said feeling how my stomach is now sticky.

I went upstairs into the first bathroom I saw planning to rinse off, and take Maihua, Mia and Avery home.

Instead, I saw a girl sitting on the counter near the sink, in a strapless bra and a thong. She had her head on a boys shoulder as he kissed her neck and went down to her chest. He started taking off her bra she put her head up before I realized...

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