(short) 🤨🤬😯4 + explain

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sorry, im really trying to update fast but im dealing with school starting back up, my dealer is out of town, and my mental health isnt great so...ill try to update as much as i can. also this book can suck a dick. it really freaking sucks but...here we go lmao.


i woke up with a pounding headache. i slowly sat up and looked around. i heard the faucet in the connected bathroom. i pushed open the door to see the girl i saw last night at the party. i guess she didnt notice my walk in becasue she just continued to brush her teeth.

"Flashback," Natalie:

i was caried upstairs and set down on a counter. i remeber repeatedly passing out while trying to push someone off of me. i tried to push them off and put my clothes back on, but they werent really giving up. they started to kiss my neck and take off my bra.


Ag. i looked down at my clothes noticing they werent mine.

"are you for real right now?" i yelled mad once she was done brushing her teeth.

"woah Natalie shut the hell up. your gonna wake up my mom." she said back.

"i didnt think you were the type of girl to take advantage of the drunk girl at a party! or possibly even drug a girl at a party! clearly i was wrong." i exploded on her.


she totally freaked out. she clearly didn't remember what happened at the party. and to make matters worse...

"you got a girl drunk just so you can take advantage of her?!" my mom screamed. like....california could probably hear, loud.

"no! i-  can you just let me explain? your clearly not remembering straight if you think i did that." i pushed past my mom as they both followed.

they sat on the couch and i started to explain. short and simple reasoning.

"Natalie left to go to the bathroom. Handing her drink to derek whos a total douchbag. anyways he spilt it on me handing you what i assume was some hardcore alcohol. i left to go to the bathroom as your sitting naked on a counter with him practically trying to force himself onto you, i grabbed you, and my other friends, dropped them off, didnt know where you lived so i took you here." i expained tying up my hair.

"what about your pulled down bra strap?" my mom questioned.

"derek pulled it down when i was walking away with Natalie. my stucky stomache is the lemonade you, Natalie, originally had. Natalie i got you dressed. I didnt have a shirt because i was playing basketball with Avery and Mia when we went." i answered grabbing a bowl for cereal.

"oh" Natalie said quietly.

"well, i should get going." she then said.

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