😣🤢😎2 + sleepover

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"H-hey sto-stop." She said before passing out once again.

"Natalie?" I said after he finally got her bra off and started trying to mess with her underwear.

He looked up at me.

"Knock first Anna!" He yelled.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I yelled pushing him back attempting to pick up the brunette.

After picking her up bridal style as she just lay past out in my arms.

"Don't worry Gracie. You can be next." He said pulling down the strap of my sports bra.

"Fuck off." I said once more before walking down to the main area where Avery and Maihua were drunk and making out on the couch.

I walked out the door and to my car that wasn't too far down. I laid her down in the back seat and locked the doors to go get the rest of the group.

"Come on lovebirds." I said getting Avery up from the couch and Maihua following.

"Mia?" I yelled trying to find her.

"Go get in my car." I pushed them out the door.

I soon found Mia grinding on some girl in the living room. I took her out to the car and she sat in the front. Maihua and Avery we're making out in the back seat.

Natalie was passed out in the back still.

I dropped off Avery and Maihua at Averys house. Maihua on the couch, Avery in her bed.

Next was Mia. She was easier. she just kinda walking and fell on the couch.

Now..Natalie. No clue where she lived. She's too drunk to ask.

I pulled into my house and checked the time. 12:07. Shit. My mom was definitely still awake. I opened the backseat door and there was passed out, practically naked Natalie. She was in a thong at this point and even that was pulled down partially.

I carried her bridal style again and kinda just kicked the bottom of the door as a way of knocking.

"Hey Ag. WOAHH. Ag what the hell?" My mom said as she opened the door.

"Mom just please don't ask." I said starting to walk up to my room.

"Anna Grace!" My mom yelled from the living room.

I sat the girl on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I had my hair crazy looking and the top of my boxers were showing along with my bra strap pulled down exposing the top half of my right breast.

I pulled it back up and quickly changing into different boxers and just a different sports bra.

I quickly ran downstairs to grab a glass of water. My mom was quick to start lecturing me.

"You just prance in with a random naked girl in your arms, your hair all messed up. Your pants partly down and you bra half off. No shirt by the way. Not to mention she's not even conscious!" My mom yelled as I set my water down.

My stomach was still sticky and I had to go get some clothes on Nat.

"Mom I would love to explain but as you said, I have a naked girl in my bed upstairs who's blackout drunk. And I'm all sticky."

My mom gave me a "are you fucking serious" look.

"She is in your bed and your- sticky? Ag your not helping your case very much."

"Mom I'll explain later." I say running upstairs.

I grabbed a pair of boxers and a hoodie. I realized I was the one who had to get her dressed.

I finished taking off her thong. And slid on the boxers which was hard enough but next I had to put on her hoodie. That was easier than expected. I turned off my lights and turned my led lights on purple and as dim as they got. I picked up my room a little and went to take a shower.

I got dressed and went down to the living room. I layed on the couch and soon fell asleep. God..what a night...

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