👁👄👁3 + still being drunk

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I woke up at around 4 because of my mom waking me up.

"Huh?" I asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up a little.

"Your little friend is up. And crashing around your bedroom." She said, arms crossed with an eyebrow raised.

"Shit." I said quietly running upstairs to my room, where Natalie is running her hands through my closet.

"Oh! Ak! Aj? As? A b c d e f g..." I cut her off by setting her back in my bed.

"Waitttt." She whined grabbing my arm.

"Whatttt?" I whined back.

I heard my moms door close meaning she gonna be asleep really soon.

"Sleep with me." She begged.

"No Nat it's too early for this. Lay down and go to bed."

"Just cuddles! Just cuddles..." she said quickly.

"Natalie I-" she cut my off.

"I'm gonna throw up."

"Oh fuck." I took her to the bathroom and she did in fact throw up. Many times actually. She eventually fell asleep at around 5:48. I plugged in her phone to see her wallpaper a picture of her with a girl on her back kissing her neck as she laughed.

I smiled a little and sat beside her in bed watching my phone.

"Ag..." she said randomly.


"My head hurtsss". She whined.

"So does mineeee." I mocked her whine.

"Ooouu. You should whine more." She looked up at me.


"Whine. Whine for me? Pleaseeeee? Ag..whine for meee. Whine for my please? Whine for me daddy." She said once more before falling asleep again. She was still pretty drunk and is gonna have quite the hangover.

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