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I feel my scowl deepen as I walk towards the front door. Saturday is supposed to be 'No visitor's day' but here we have some unexpected guest--- it's better not Jackson or Yoongi hyung, they always come here for business purpose. Saturday is family day--- no business is allowed inside our home.

I opened the door and faced with none other than Jackson, the crackhead assistant.

"You know the rules---" Jackson smile sheepishly, holding blue file higher than before.

"It's important,"

"Is there anything which isn't important?" I visibly roll my eyes.

"Don't be like this taetae--- I'll be gone before you know it." Sighing, I open the door to him.

"Five minutes," he nods walking towards the office.

"No, he's in play room." Jackson freezes on his track and turns to face me, shock visible in his eyes.

"You have a play room here?" The mischief glint in his eyes made me sigh.

"It's not what you think pervert!" When he realize what I meant by that he let out a humourless chuckle.

"I thought he was having a productive day---" he winks walking ahead of me.

Oh, I'm gonna have a productive night---

Jackson's hand immediately comes up to his mouth to cover his smile as he see Jungkook sitting on the bright pink mat, eating imaginary treat made by our little girls, Daseul and Yewon.

"Dadda, you like it?" Yewon ask, eyes twinkle with happiness as she waited for his answer.

"It's tasty," Jungkook replies making me giggle.

He's whipped for our girls as he's whipped for me.

"Daseul made it," she says giggling, making Daseul's head flies up and passing him her adorable smile.

"It's tasty," Jackson laugh at Jungkook who's unaffected by his presence.

Jackson pass the file to Jungkook when his laugh died down.

"You said no work Dadda," Daseul pout, pointing her finger at the file now Jungkook is holding.

"Just a sign, then we can play." She nods her head still pouting.

"You are lucky it's important," Jungkook said signing the document.

He return it as soon as he can and told Jackson to move his ass from here as fast as he can.

Jackson mouths 'Whipped' and Jungkook just shrugs it off.

It's about him, my husband I love the most. He never tried to hide how much we meant to him. He never cared what others are saying about his actions, to him we are important and he's proving that every minute of the day.

It was my dream to have a big family--- and my husband was so eager to make it happened. We adopted our angels fourteen months after our marriage. Mom and Dad wanted us to wait for some more--- they wanted us to spend our carefree life some more but I was eager to adopt them after the first meeting and my husband was so eager to make it happen.

𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 || ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now