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I park my car to the curb of Taehyung's building. I check my watch again and see it’s just before eight o'clock. He must be getting ready for work---

From what hyung told me, he should be leaving for work soon and I thought I’d surprise him by giving him a lift. I’m in a T-shirt with jogging pants, like a normal person and I love this feeling.

When I get to his building, I walk to his door and take a deep breath. I knock softly and after a second, the door opens wide.

"Hey, Kitten." I smile at Taehyung, who's looking at me shocked.

"Nice place," I step inside and he doesn’t try to stop me as I set the box of food and containers of strawberry milkshake on the table by the door. 

"You eat?" He shakes his head as no, "Good, let's have breakfast together." I say and turned to look at the interior of the small spacious apartment.

"Why are you here?" He asks, Like he’s finally realized I’m here.

"Breakfast," I said showing the bag of fresh baked Hotteok (Korean sweet pancake) on the table.

"What I mean---" When he starts to talk, I shake my head so I can finish, "Boyfriends do this Kitten."

He muttered an 'O' as he bites his lip.

"But you don't have to--- I mean, I live here alone, you don't have to act---"

"You have got a nice place." I cut in, taking the bag and containers and walks towards the small table near the kitchen counter.

"Thank you?" I smile at his cuteness. He looks like he's unsure of what's happening here---

"Let's eat Kitten, you are going to be late," that made him move from the trace he was in.

We eat, we talked, mostly me asking about his likes and dislikes. His favourite color, favourite place, though I find those questions silly, I want to know him better, better than anyone.

We laughed, talked, unknowingly growing more and more comfortable with eachother.


When we reached Ziwon's I hop out of the car and opened the door for him.

"I'll be back around five," I say, my eyes taking the beautiful human infront of me.

"You don't have to---"

"I'm your boyfriend, Kitten." He nods his head, a beautiful blush adoring his cheeks.

"You look Pretty, Kitten." I said and a shy smile appears on his face--- but it fades soon---

"I'm going---" he said rushing towards the building. He must be questioning my actions, my actions maybe confusing him. I promised hyung I won't rush him with the feelings I have. But after my encounter with that bubblegum guy I don't think I can wait---

I want to make my Kitten fall in love with me, not by any force. I want him to know me, understand my feelings for him and all those stuffs. But this bubblegum buy is making everything difficult. I don't really have a good feelings about him. I feels like he's waiting for his chance to jumps in between us but I won't let him. Taehyung is mine.

I only have a week time, within this period of time I need to make my move and Jin hyung is not helping either. His idea are making me crazy, just like him. So I made my own plan, this breakfast plan is really a good start as we got to spend time together. It did help me to get to know him better than I thought.

I look at where he's going and my landed on smiling bubblegum.

Ohhh he's here---

"Kitten," I calls and Taehyung freezes on his spot as the people's around us looks between us for the drama which is going to happen in a minute.

"You forget something," Taehyung turns eyeing everyone around us who's showing so much interest in our business.

Normally I hate these kind of people but now everyone have to understand Taehyung is mine.

I stalk towards him and pulled him to me winding my eyes hands around his waist.

"Where's my Goodbye Kiss?" I ask innocently as his beautiful hypnotic eyes bulges in the shock my words provided.

"Your Bestfriend hyung is looking---" I whisper leaning against his ear and he close his eyes on the process.

"Kitten," I calls, slowly he open his eyes. Everytime I looked deep into his eyes I'm a goner. I never felt this way before but with him everything is different and I wants to grab ahold of this feelings.

"Kiss me Kitten," his breathing become uneven and the looks on his face and the blushing, and the way he closed his eyes, all shows he's affected by me the way I'm affected by his presence.

"Kiss me," though I wanted to smash my lips on his I waited for him to make a move.

He pressed his lips on my cheeks and I only got a second to feel his warm touch before he pulls away. I didn't let him go as I smiled in victory pressing a kiss on his forehead, "Take care Kitten---" He nodes, with that he ran towards the entrance of the building, clutching his bag to chest as his life depends on it.

I smirk giving a death glare to the bubblegum guy.

After this weekend Taehyung is going to be mine, officially. And I'm going to make my Kitten realize how perfectly we fit together, till then I always have a eye on this guy!

I won't let anyone ruin anything.


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Dumb Duck🐣

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