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"You are here," Jin hyung exclaims as if he didn't see us last night. He hugs and kisses us before pulling us into the house. Our cupcakes ran towards Joonie hyung who's sitting on the couch while Jimin and Hobi hyung is busy setting plates.

"What are you wearing?" are the first words out of Hobi hyung's mouth whe he see us.

My Kitten spend chunk of time finding him and our cupcakes matching outfits for today. I thought it was adorable until he got me a sweater that matched, too. I already knew I’ll never hear the end of this when my hyungs see me, but at the end of the day I don't give a shit as long as it makes him happy.

"Isn't it cute?" Taehyung ask and Hobi hyung nods, supressing his laugh.

Jimin approve by passing a thumbs up while Yoongi hyung snickers.

I watch as everyone falls all over My Kitten and our Cupcakes as they eats up the attention. My heart always warms watching them so happy and cheerful.

Lunch was as usual--- all chattering and laughing. It is the best part of our family lunch--- though they all like to roast me in the end, it's always special to my Kitten, so to me---

"I don't really understand what Tae saw in this coconut head---" Yoongi hyung says making his usual boring expression.

I roll my eyes as Daseul played with my hair.

I don't understand his duality--- he can be really professional in office but when we are at a gathering he likes to roasting me in all flavours.

If it was not for his brain I should have fired him a long time ago--- but who am fooling, I do love his comments, it's something I never gonna admit to anyone.

I look directly to where My Kitten and Jin hyung having a private conversation--- I don't know what is there to talk privately!

"Stop staring Jungkook, You are going to make a hole in his head." Jimin sighs as he sat on Yoongi hyungs lap and he wounds his arms around Jimin's waist.

I visibly roll my eyes.

I'm whipped, then what he is---

"We talked about adoption," Joonie hyung said caressing Yewon's hair who's occupied with the plushie jin hyung brought for her.

"We want to take our relationship to another level, we are ready to be parents---" I smile, looking at Joonie hyung who's now looking Jin hyung with the same intensity and devotion I have for my Kitten---

I never thought parenthood can be beautiful as falling in love with my Kitten but he make me realize that--- he makes me realize how much I was missing until him.

"But he's scared---" I can understand Jin hyung, it's not easy to be a good parents but with Joonie hyung he can do that.

"Hyung will be alright, you two are gonna be great parents." I reassure him. Hyung is little crazy but he always been there for me whenever I needed him. I'm sure they are going to be the second best parents in the world as first place is dominated by me and Kitten.

"I'm not coming for another so called lunch---" I hear Hobi hyung says as everyone turn to look at him.

He's sitting beside us, but seriously I forget he was even here--- Don't blame, my whole attention was drawn by my ethereal husband.

"My single ass can't take this anymore," Hyung says sighing.

"I told you, you can come and work for me," Jin hyung said, joining us.

"It's better be single than working for you---"

"Now who's talking, Ask him how grateful he's for that day---" Jin hyung said pointing me.

How grateful I'm for that day----

I laugh before pulling my husband to me. I settled Daseul in one thigh as another occupied by him.

"I'm more than grateful," I said winking at hobi hyung who just mouthed 'whipped coconut'

"Dadda," Yewon slide herself off from Joonie hyung's lap with adorable pout, looking at Daseul and Kitten who's sitting on my lap.

Kitten pick her up and settled her on his lap, making her smile.

I don’t think I could ask for anything more than this, I got everything anyone could ever need. Love, family and I'm contented in their love---

It all started as a Boyfriend For A Weekend plan ended up in a life long commitment--- but who's complaining--- it's all I could ever ask for, his love, his trust, being his other half--- and father of our precious cupcakes.

I'm always grateful for that day, we first met--- only because of that day, today I hold my Kitten in my arms and can tell him over and over how beautiful he is and how lucky I am that he chose me. Even if I never gave him a choice.


Okay now officially BFAW ends here----

'I'm nervous'--- tell me what you guyz think about BFAW !

Do you like it?

Don't be a silent reader *whining*

Okay let's stop here---- Thank you everyone for reading💕💕💕 it means a lot to me--- You guyz are awesome, just like me😌💜

Dumb Duck🐣

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