Chapter 5

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Lily's Point of View

I get dressed in a pale blue sweater, a pair of skinny jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes. Harry invited me over to his place a change of pace I think. I hear a knock at the door and run downstairs but not before grabbing my sketchbook.

I open the door and Harry's standing there with a small smile on his lips. "Hello Lily" he says "hi Harry" I reply closing and locking the door. We walk down towards his car and he opens my door for me making me smile. "I can open a door Harry" I tease "I know that" he says with a chuckle.

I sit down and he walks over to his side, opens the door, and gets into the car. After the drive we pull into a driveway in front of a beautiful house. Harry dashes over to my side of the car and opens my door for me. I playfully glare at him.

He grabs my hand as he leads me up the small walkway to the door. He unlocks the door and we step inside. A woman is standing there giving me a look that is making me quite uncomfortable. "Lily that is my Mum Anne, Mum this is Lily" he says introducing us.

He gives my hand a comforting squeeze. When Anne sees Harry's hand intertwined with mine she smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lily" she says and I see Harry smile at his mum before he leads me over to the sofa.

Anne watches me as I carefully tear a page out of my sketchbook. I hand it to Harry it's a collage of Ursa Major and Minor, Leo, and Aries. I see him smile at the drawing "keep it" I tell him when he tries to hand it back. "Thank you" he says placing the drawing down carefully on the table.

"You're welcome" I tell him, he stands up, and leads me outside. We sit down side by side still holding hands. He turns around so that he is facing me a sweet smile on his lips. I smile back at him and his eyes light up.

Anne's Point of View

I look at the picture that Lily drew so well and smile. She's different I can tell in the way Harry smiles at her, how his eyes light up when he looks at her, and how he actually holds her hand. I've never seen him act this way with any of the previous girls that he has brought over.

I look out the window and see them laid down in the grass, Lily's head on his shoulder, as he points to the stars talking animatedly. I smile at the two of them.

Harry's Point of View

I smile down at Lily who is resting her head on my shoulder. She looks up at me and smiles "what?" she asks me. "You're cute" I explain and she blushes "shut up" she says pushing me playfully.

I lean my face slowly towards her and pause just millimeters from her lips. She leans forward and gently brushes her lips against mine. I smile and brush my lips against hers. She smiles and pulls back looking me in the eye.

I smile and run my free hand through her soft hair. She lays her head back down on my shoulder and I rest my chin on top of her head. "Harry" she says "yeah" "why did you kiss me?" she questions. "Because you're you" I say simply "what a way with words" she teases.

"Hey you're the words girl and I'm the star guy" I tease back. She laughs and it sounds so beautiful. It's the first time I've heard her really laugh and I smile as I listen. "You're the star guy who tells stories" she says "yeah I'm the star guy who tells stories" I tell her.

"Do you want to go back inside it looks like it's getting ready to rain" I say seeing the dark clouds roll in. "Okay" she says, I stand up, and offer her my hand. She smiles at me, grabs my hand, and I lift her up. We walk inside holding hands.

"Would you two like anything?" Mum asks us smiling. "Can I have something to drink?" Lily asks "what would you like?" I ask her "a small cup of tea" she says. "Well you're in luck I was just getting ready to put a pot on" Mum says. "Come on" I say walking us into the living room.

We sit down on the sofa and I turn on the telly. She curls into my side, I pull the throw blanket off of the back of the sofa, and place it over our laps. A few minutes later Mum comes in with a tray and sets it down on the table. All of us make ourselves a cup of tea.

Lily's Point of View

I sip on the warm cup of tea "I should be getting home soon" I tell Harry and he frowns. "Okay I'll drive you" he tells me "Harry go and put the tea supplies away" Anne tells him. As he leaves the room Anne walks over to me "thank you Lily" she tells me smiling.

"For what?" I ask her "for spending time with him" she says simply. Harry walks back into the room "ready to go?" he asks me "yeah" I tell him. "Thank you Anne for the tea" I tell her as I stand up "no problem dear" she tells me.

Harry grabs my hand as we walk out the door. A light drizzle has begun, Harry takes off his jacket, and hands it to me. "Thanks" I tell him pulling the hood over my head. We run to the car, shut the doors, and Harry shakes his head flinging water. I laugh at him, take off his jacket, and use it to help dry his hair.

He smiles at me, starts the car, grabs my hand, and drives me home. We pull into the driveway "thank you" I tell him "goodbye Lily" he says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I grab his face with my hands and kiss him on the lips.

"Goodbye Harry" I say and give him a peck on the lips before I exit the car. I run up to my door and when I look behind me I see Harry give me a little wave which I return. I walk inside with the biggest smile on my face.
I may not be able to update for a little while sorry.

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