Chapter 14.

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Norma pulled the weeds from the garden, threw them behind her onto the gravel. She had been at this for nearly two hours, hoping to fix up the entire place with the money her father had left behind.
The motel was beginning to look worn down, tired. The old place was her home and she refused to allow it to look like a dump. Standing after pulling the last few weeds from the ground, she wiped her forehead and checked her watch.
It was nearing the time to call Alex which was the highlight of her day. He was to come back to White Pine Bay for a week before going back to wherever he had to go.
Brushed her skirt off, she rushed to room one, where she had moved to and made her own, staying in the house above too toxic for her.
Ripping off her gloves, she dialed Alex's number and sat on the bed, turned to gaze out the open door, turning right back around when she heard his voice on the other side of the phone.
"Hello, Norma," Alex's voice broke through, caused a smile to appear on Norma's face.
"Hi, Hon. How are you?"
A sigh echoed and Norma felt distraught, worried that she was the cause of his stress.
"I'm fine, just busy."
Norma nodded to herself, "I'm sorry. I wish I could do something to help."
"Don't worry about it. And hey, I hate to cut this short, but I've got to go. I'll call you later."
"Oh," She paused. "Okay, goodbye. I love-"
The phone beeped and the call ended before she could get all of her words out, her heart aching. She didn't understand what was happening with him, but she hoped he was okay; hope was the only thing she had.
Norma placed the phone down and stood, yelping when she felt to hands grip her waist and pull her against their chest.
She turned and went to swing but was greeted with a bright beaming smile from the man she loved.
He rolled his eyes teasingly, pulled her closer and peck her forehead, nose, cheek, and finally her lips. Her eyes momentarily shut, the feeling of him almost overwhelming.
"Dad?" His voice echoed against the metal walls. "Dad?" He called once more, getting a response with the lights switching on.
His father, large and strong, stood dramatically near a table with tools, terrifying in its own way. Caleb knew that his father had the weapons for a reason, and he wouldn't get in any trouble as the police were on his side, more than likely distributing them to him.
"It took you long enough," The man scoffed, urged his son to come closer.
Caleb obeyed like a puppy, placed his hands on his pockets, worried his hand would potentially get cut off.
"Have you been here the entire time?" Caleb questioned.
His father nodded, "I was jumping from place to place but this is the main hiding place, placed under a friends name."
Caleb nodded, looking at the guns and knives placed neatly on the table. It made him fear unknown things, worried he'd have to use this on his sister as he'd never used a gun or knife on her.
Voices echoed against the wall, their laughing the main sound in the small diner. A stupid joke Norma had said setting them off into a laughing fit.
Letting themselves calm down, they looked into each other's eyes, comfortable in the company they gave each other.
It was obviously love, and they had figured that out for themselves; it didn't take a genius to understand their situation.
"Norma," His voice smooth, full of love.
It took Alex a moment to collect his thoughts before beginning nervously. "I-I found a place in California, near the training facility I stay at. I think- I was thinking, maybe we could buy the house and live in California."
Norma kept silent, staring at him without any emotion. She was conflicted as she still had her mother to take care of, but she had no other reason to stay in White Pine Bay beside that point.
"I don't know, Alex. What about my mother? Would we stay in California forever?"
Alex shook his head with a small smile, "We can take your mother, get her the help she needs. And after my training, we can move around the country. Where you want to go." He paused and grabbed his lovers hand, caressed her knuckles. "I'm right there behind you."
She adored him. The way he adoringly gazed at her, gently touched her, wanted her willingly filled her with overwhelming emotions.
Without a second thought, she nodded, squeezed his hand, "Okay."
Alex's smile grew wide, teeth showing as happiness filled him up. He learned in and kissed her quickly, "Okay, let's do this."
I apologize for any typos! Enjoy <3

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