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Between Sodull pulling and Wolfsted yelling "Go, go, go!" from behind, Blader managed to climb up through the tunnel. Dirt crumbled down from the walls, dusting them as they climbed, and the walls vibrated from the collapse of Helheim.

The light above grew greater the closer to the surface they got. Blader could only hope that they weren't too late, that Skalfi wasn't dead yet. Hopefully the seers regain control so we can get out of this Reenactment and Skalfi can get medical attention. Please, please, please.

Finally, the three recruits reached the end of the tunnel, Sodull pulling Blader out into the light. He looked around the root basin to see the fire had gone out and the smoke had cleared from the air, the dimly lit stars above providing the only light.

"Skalfi," Blader panted, the ground trembling beneath his feet. Without a word, Sodull looped his arm around Blader's back and as Wolfsted left the tunnel and clambered to his feet, the Aldrian also helped to support Blader.

The three of them made their way across the basin in the direction of Vandri and Skalfi. The recruits around them parted to make way for them, gaping at the wounds in Blader's leg and shoulder.

It was only then that Blader realized that, while he still had his father's shield strapped to his back, he had left his sword, gifted to Karl by Aetlun Thrym, back in Helheim. Skalfi's dagger, on the other hand, was in his belt.

Skalfi, please, let me be able to give this back to you.

"Blader!" Vandri screamed, racing across the grass towards the three boys. Flinging herself at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck as Blader groaned. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," Vandri apologized hurriedly, pulling back and frowning worriedly at Blader's shoulder wound. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"How's Skalfi?" Blader asked, and Vandri looked more worried, just shaking her head. She turned and hugged Wolfsted as Sodull helped Blader over to Skalfi's side, where he knelt down.

"You're safe, you're safe," he heard Vandri murmuring over and over again as she gave Sodull a hug. Blader used his good hand to gently touch Skalfi's cheek, and her eyes flickered open. He could tell by the amount of blood soaking into Wolfsted's tunic that unless the Reenactment ended within minutes, Skalfi would be beyond saving.

"Hey," Skalfi said quietly, her voice barely audible.

"Skalfi, just stay with me," Blader said. He pulled the dagger from his belt and pressed it into her hand. He had to curl her fingers around the hilt to get her to hold it. "I brought this back. It really helped me."

Skalfi's fingers tightened around the hilt as her other hand found his, her fingers intertwining with his. A twinge of pain moved through his arm but he didn't protest. "Funny," she whispered, her eyes growing distant. "My father died by this dagger, and now I will die with it in my hand."

That must be why the dagger is so important to her. It was her father's.

But why treasure it so much when he must have killed himself with it?

Blader could hear Wolfsted, Vandri, and Sodull moving up behind him, trying not to intrude. He swallowed, fighting back tears. He couldn't lose Skalfi, not after everything they'd been through together.

White mist began to fill the root basin, thick and silent. Blader kept holding Skalfi's hand, his other hand cupping her cheek. "I'm not leaving you," he promised her. "I'll never leave you."

Before the mist completely obscured her face from him, Blader thought he saw Skalfi smile.


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