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Valt's Pov

Me and shu kept on running inside the forest. We couldn't hear the infected but we still ran not wanting to risk it. After running for a good whole 5 minutes we stopped.

Shu:Are you okay Valt?
Valt:Yeah I am. What now?
Shu:I watched the news even the safety camps got invaded. Its going to be hard surviving Valt.
Valt:Do.. Do you think we are going to die?
Shu:No Valt we wont die lets try to find shelter we will try going to your house tomorrow.

I was cutt off my by the bushes moving. Infected?! We started running we couldnt get far tho since they grabbed our hands. This is it. I love you mom, twins, my friends, my great grandparents, my great great gra-

?? :Valt?

I turn back to see Free and Lui. I hugged Free and we both fell down on the ground.He let out a groan. He then got up, helping me up as well.

Free:Hey are you guys okay?
Shu:Yeah what are you doing here?
Free:We decided to go to the forest after the invasion. Since it is the safest place for now.
Lui:Why are you guys here?
Valt:Same reason!
Lui:Not too loud idiot your gonna attract attention.
Valt:Hehe sorry.
Shu:Okay guys I know we dont really have the most friendliest relationship but we have to stick together.
Free:I agree with Shu.
Valt:Im just gonna follow Shu's lead.
Lui:Tch if I die Im blaming you Kurenai.
Shu:Whatever do you guys have any supplies?
Free:We have a aid kit, some water, food and extra clothes.
Free:Alright first I think its better if we find shelter.
Lui:Before we find shelter do you two have anything which can be used as a weapon.
Valt:Shu gave me and him a knife.
Lui:Okay do you know how to use it?
Valt:Ofcourse Shu does he cooks all th-
Lui:Not the cooking I mean killing.
Valt:Im not killing anyone I hate blood.
Shu:I dont think i can bring myself to kill the infected eventhough they arnt humans anymore.
Free:Its fine we have knifes and guns I think its better if we get into pairings and hold hands so if anything comes up we could  protect eachother.
Valt:I want Shu.
Shu:Valt you cant have me Im not killing anything.
Free:Valt your with me and Shu your with Lui.
Valt:Okay Free I like you anyways.

I went and hugged Free. Free patted my head turning his attention back onto Lui and Shu.

Lui:Free there is no way Im gonna pair up with him.
Free:Face it Lui I can't pair you with Valt because he's sensitive and your a bit Sadistic.
Shu:A bit?
Free:My bad A lot.
Lui:My death is now confirmed.
Valt:Cheer up Lui. Shu's really smart he saved us from an army of infected.
Free:Yeah hes technically the brain in our group.
Lui:Okay what are we doing?
Shu: I was thinking we could go to valts house later and gather more food and water. Because obviously we need to eat and drink right now.
Free:Smart when are we going.
Lui:Wont the infected see us easily.
Shu:Actually if you wanna sneak around the best time is the daytime because they cant see in the sun but they hear stuff. So you needa be careful.
Lui:Okay anything else.
Free:Since the pairings done I have a underground hidden basement. The infected invaded my house but the basements entrance is far away and you cant enter from the house since its blocked up.
Shu:So we have a place to stay as well then.
Free:Lui and Shu you guys need to get the supplies from Valts house I have to go to the basement because I have to find the key I dugged inside a pile of mud years ago.
Shu:Okay then but I haven't heard from Valt in a while where is he?
Lui:Hes right here.
Free:Valt you dont look okay.
Valt:I cant process everything you just said.
Free:Its fine Im leading you anyway just listen to me now lets eat.

We all sat down and digged in. But Shu said we cant eat alot because we dont know how long we would be stuck like this.

I know its really not interesting right now but the real story(Fralt and Shui) will now start from the next part. This so far was just the introduction of what was going on and what they had planned.See you in the next part bye.

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