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Valt's Pov

When I woke up I was on Free's back. I yawned and tugged his shirt signaling him to put me down.

Valt:Morning Free!
Free:Calm down do you remember the plan?
Valt:What plan?
Free:The one we discussed yesterday?
Valt:Eh.. We discussed something?
Free:*Sigh*Its fine just follow my lead.
Valt:Okay! Where's Shu and Lui?
Free:They went to your house for supplies.

I was honestly kind of bored the only thing we were doing was walking. Shu isnt here either or I would annoy him. Why not annoy Free? Wouldn't hurt right?

Free:What Valt?
Valt:Free. Free. Free. Listen. To. Me. Freeeee. Freeeeee. Freeee. Freeee. Fr-

Free turned around and slammed his hand on my mouth glaring at me. I just looked at him nervously. He seemed mad.

Free:Don't Valt Im not in the mood.

Then we started walking again. I got a warning but Im going to continue. There's nothing he could do about it anyway.

Valt:Hey I have a question?
Valt:Are bananas berries?
Free:Stop asking dumb questions Valt!
Valt:But Im bored.
Free:Well I don't care the only thing you care about is yourself. Can you just shut up for atleast 5 minutes!

I didn't say anything after that. That was harsh. We started walking again.I kept my head down and started letting tiny tears out. Shu never gets mad when I tease him. Am I really annoying? Does he pretend to like me? Does Free like me?

Free's Pov

Why did I do that?! Its okay if he was trying to annoy me thats just how Valt is like. Why did I have to get mad at him?! Its fine. Hes fine right? Then I heard tiny whimpers. Now Im guilty I really shouldn't have done that. I turned around and hugged him.

Valt:F.. Free?
Free:........... Im sorry.
Valt:Its okay Im sorry too I shouldn't have annoyed you.
Free:No its completely fine Valt. Now lets get going.

Valt's Pov

Valt:Free do you hate me?
Free:No why would I hate you?
Valt:Because Im a selfish kid.
Free:Your not Valt I was dumb for saying that.
Free:Whats up?
Valt:You called yourself dumb.

Free ruffled my hair. Not long after we reached near Frees house. There were many zombies around.

Free:Okay now Valt be really careful and quiet.

I nodded my head. Free grabbed my right hand and started leading us somewhere. We were sneaking past the house but then I see a young boy get out of the house. I stopped. Free looked back at me confused then looked at the boy. Before we could do anything the boy screamed looking at the Zombies or infected i like zombies better. The Zombies jumped on the boy. Ripping his throat out. The blood shot up. I couldnt help it I screamed and started crying.

Free grabbed my hand and started running in the tree's. Screeches could be heard behind us. We kept on running after 3 minutes they were gone. But we were still running. Free was leading us to that basement thingy they were talking about.

Valt:F.. Free that was scary!

I sniffled in his shirt. He put his arms around me hugging me tighty.

Free:Shh. Its okay Valt.
Valt:W.. Will Shu and Lui be fine?
Free:Yes they will. Now lets find that key okay.
Free:Valt dig here quickly find a yellow key.

Free went to the other side and started digging.
Valt:Is this it?
Free:Yes Come here now.
Valt:Free but where is the entrance you were talking about?
Free:Its right there.

Free crouched down and and unlocked something. He lifted a trap door which was covered by the sand.He climbed down using a ladder and I followed him.

So like Im lazy so thats it. Plus I wanna apologize cuz I am not putting any efforts into this. I promise the next part will be better.

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