Epilogue (Part 2)

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*A/N- A part 2 what?? 😱😂*

I practically ran around the house to get ready for this date Kakashi had planned and asked me on our way back. It was quite the date, our anniversary was today and so far we celebrated it by watching the sunrise from a few treetops on our way back.
He said to dress casual so...

 He said to dress casual so

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I went comfy.

There was a knock at the door making me excitedly run over and rip it open, I couldn't help it. I love surprises... well mostly just finding out what it is. Kakashi stood on the other side smiling through his mask making my smile grow bigger. He was also dressed casually. "So what are we doing today?" I asked practically jumping in place, Kakashi chuckled and patted my head like a parent does to their over energetic child. "Well I can't tell you, it will ruin the surprise." He said making me groan and he started laughing. "Come on, lock up so we can start our walk." He said casual but a bit humorous. I did as told before jumping on his back the moment he turned around catching him off guard. "Piggyback!" I cheered pointing forward. "Onwards!" He just chuckled before holding up my legs by my thighs and then started walking.

We walked, well Kakashi walked through the village and each rime we past something to do I would guess it making Kakashi shake his head and reply with a big fat no. He started venturing out of the village and into the woods, I was scared though... I trusted him, but it doesn't mean I can't be sarcastic and dramatic. "Is this the part that you kill me? Cause I'm too you to die." I dramatically fell back with the back of my hand pressed to my forehead. Kakashi chuckled, "You get much more dramatic over time." He mocked as he stepped over a tree root, I just shrugged before leaning my chin onto his shoulder. "Well, what can I say... I'm starving and really dying of curiosity." I mumbled, "Well, you don't need to be anymore... we're here." He said making my head shoot up and look around. It was the waterfall were we had gone swimming back in the day with Rin and Obito. There was nothing different about it though confusing me a bit and it seems Kakashi caught on as he let me down so I can walk to the water as he started talking. "So you remeber when we were last here?" He asks and I nodded looking back at him, "and how we had raced?" He asked and once more I nodded and just like that he pushed me in surprising me as I resurfaced and was about to yell at him he dived, fully clothed, into the water. He chuckled as he came back up pulling down his soaking wet mask before running his hands through his equally as wet hair. "What the hell, Kakashi?" I questioned making him chukle before splashing me with water. "Race ya!" He said before he started swimming off to the waterfall. I smiled seeing his inner child before taking off to win.

"I WIN!" we both yelled as we reached the other side of the waterfall. I glared at him playfully as he did so too. "No, you did not." I teased as I splashed a huge wave of water at him, he tried to shield himself from it as he laughed out of breath. After I giggled at his cute little reaction I faced forward surprised by the sight before me. A candle lit dinner with latterns up above stood before me. "No, you did not." I repeated out of shock as I pushed myself up onto the rock and out of the water, Kakashi following me.

My cold hands brushed over the chair on the one side of the table as I took in the sight. There was two boxes and by the smell I could tell it was Ramen from Ichiraku's. I felt hands squeeze my upper arms. "Do you like it?" He asked making me breath out in surprise before looking over at him with a huge smile still surprised. "I love it, but... how? When?" I asked as I looked over at the table again. "This must've taken forever and why go through all the trouble..." I trailed off as I turned around not seeing Kakashi, but someone cleared their throat.

I glanced down seeing him on one knee, and everything sunk in. Like a sponge absorbing water, my brain finally caught on to what was happening.

"Hira Uchiha Hyuga, we have gone through so much together. A war, the losses of close ones, the joys of teaching and many other adventures. We stuck by one another, even when I sometimes did or said something really stupid, you never left. For all the tears that were shed I will be there to wipe them off, for all the pain I will be there to guide you through it, for all the smiles I will be there to share it with you. So will you, Hira Uchiha Hyuga, take this ring..." he pulls out a box and opens it to a beautiful red and white small stones ring. "And make me the happiest and luckiest man by marrying me?" He asked staring up at me as I was crying.

"No..." I mumbled and his face fell.

But in a few seconds it spread out into the widest smile, confusing him a bit. "Yes, you idiot. Of course I will marry you." I said making him stand up still a bit shocked but smiling. I leaped forward and kissed, passionate, tender and above all filled with all my love I have for him. I pulled back. "I love you so much." I whispered to him as I was still crying from absolute happiness. He smiled at me. "You almost killed me." He grumbles back making me through my head back laughing.

I glanced back don at him, "Well, you're going to have a lot of that." I teased.

"I love so much."


*A/N- Two chapters on the same day or night? What?

So anyway, for real thanks guys so much for all the support with this book. This is the last chapter of this book, but I will be posting a book three called True Bonds.

I love yall so much!


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