Chai's Groove

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Two people looking at each other each hoping the other will do what both desire but neither is willing to do


Malachai waited outside of the school doors for her. He doesn't know why he was anxious to see her, but since their reconciliation he felt the need to always be around her, even for just a second.

He felt bad about their recent split, although it was blown over. Chai knew Li well enough, though. Too well. He knew that she was hurt. He hurt her. He wish he could take that evening back. He wished he could take the last few years back.

Why did he string Li along, and mess up his chances with her? The fear of ruining a beautiful and pure friendship. Little to his knowledge, he was actually degrading the friendship the more he pushed his feelings to the side.

A few more moments of nodding at his peers before a familiar silhouette came into his peripheral vision. He looked up and was met with a smiling Anjali walking his way. He quickly straightened up and awaited her presence.

He never told her, but her hair made her more beautiful than ever. The way it accentuates her most precious features was breathtaking. The subtle highlights gave her a glow that was noticeable from miles away. The way her eyes, free of strands of hair in front of them, were big and doll like. And her lips. Her lips. Perfectly pouting and succulent looking.

He adored her.

Chai didn't realize Li was now in front of him trying to speak until a few snaps got his attention.

"Umm, earth of Bubba," He finally heard her voice.
"Oh, sorry. What's happenin, gummy," he responded.
"Same ole, same ole," she paused. "You spaced out for a while there."
"Yeah... hey you want to—"
"Anjali," a voiced called out.

The pair turned their attention to the voice and was met with Byron Cage. Malachai scoffed, seeing Anjali give him a friendly smile and nod. Jealousy at its finest. He walked up to the two, interrupting their conversation.

"Hi," he said, ignoring Malachai's presence.
"Hiya, darlin, whats up," Malachai could not believe this. He interrupted them.
"Well.... I haven't had the chance to speak to you since we came back from break, but I was wondering if we could.... ya know.... have lunch together," Byron let out.

Chai's head snapped towards him. Granted, he often ate lunch with Ann due to her constant begging, but today he wanted to eat lunch with Anjali. Alone. He impatiently waited for her response to the offer.

Anjali's mouth fell agape. She hadn't really ate lunch with anyone other than her group of friends, but this was a year of change for her. She needed the change. She needed to move on, more importantly. Her head nodded before she spoke.

"That sounds nice, Byron. I'd like that."
"Groovy! I'll meet you by the cafe doors and we can go in the courtyard," he smiled.

Anjali only nodded and gave him a toothless smile in return. He walked off and she watched him, then turned back towards Chai.

"Sorry about that, Bubba. What were you saying," she asked him.
"Oh it was nothing.. let's get you to homeroom, yeah," he responded.

Chai didn't know if it was the fact that he was jealous or the fact that Li actually accepted the gesture, but something was eating him alive. Li never dated. It wasn't her desire to do so. Her heart always belonged to one person, but he gave his heart away to someone else.

Neither of them realized the power they held over one another, although to them that power seemed nonexistent.

Anjali didn't want anyone but Malachai. Her mind was made up. He was her soul mate. This was stopping her from exploring anything outside of him. This was enabling him to do as he please, him knowing she'll always be there for him.

Malachai didn't want anyone else to have Anjali. He couldn't stand the thought. She was his. This made him look like a complete dick, only using her. This made him look possessive, knowing she'll always be there for him.

She'll always be there for him.

The walk to Li's homeroom was long. They would occasionally look at each other and smile, but they both knew their minds were elsewhere.

Lunch came much too quickly for Chai's liking. He didn't want to have to hear Li tell the gang she wouldn't be eating with them, nor did he want to see her walk away with Byron.

He definitely didn't want to deal with Ann and her terrible ways. He, in all honestly, couldn't stand her. But his forgiving heart and kindness has made him continue to tolerate her, even at the expense of hurting Li.

He walked very slowly to the cafe, hoping to not even spot the two of them together. Jealous? Yes. His thoughts got the best of him. He needed her. He couldn't breathe without her. Yes, it was selfish to want her all to himself, but he truly wanted her.

He saw a future with her, but the future seemed so far compared to now.

He finally made it into the cafe and made his way over to the table with the rest of the gang. Li was no where in sight. Perfect. Or so he thought.

"Hi, darlins," a breathless Li said.
"Hi Li, you're later than us today," CC greeted her.
"Yeah.. about that, I was actually on my way to eat lunch with Byron. I forgot to tell you all so I rushed back," she explained.
"Ooh that hunk! How'd you score," Nina inquired, just before getting nudged by JJ.
"We'll chat later, gotta blast," she rushed off.

All Chai could think was at least he wasn't with her. He turned to the direction she ran off to, and there he was. Awaiting her with her things in his hands. They walked off together. Perfect.


Hiii! Just wanted to put you all in Malachai's head for a chapter! Now we'll go back to our regularly scheduled program

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Hiii! Just wanted to put you all in Malachai's head for a chapter! Now we'll go back to our regularly scheduled program. Maybe...

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