A Whole New World

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(Y/N)'s POV

Im in my room looking at my phone, waiting for my boyfriend Kazuto to tell me he's ready to join. Kazuto is a Beta tester for an online virtual reality game called Sword Art Online or SAO. Today is the day for it's full release and we're planning to join and see what it looks like in it's entirety.

Kazuto told me a lot about the game and i have some ideas on what to expect. Of course, if things get a bit too rough, i can always use my 'special abilities' oh boy am i excited to get that commamd console back up!

Suddenly a new message appeared on my phone as it buzzed. It reads;

Kazuto: Alright! I got everything set up. You ready?

Me: yep! All good on my end!

Kazuto: good. Start up your nerve gear and i'll meet you on the other side.

Me: Got it! See you there, luv you <3!

Kazuto: Love you too <3

I turned off my phone and went to my bed, i plugged everything in and put the nerve gear on my head (hey that rhymed!) I saw a loading screen appear on the nerve gear and braced myself. Gotta admit, this is a little scary, or maybe i should say... 'nerve-racking' hah! Get it? (Im so sorry)

Before i realise it, my eyes closed and i felt myself traveling to somewhere. After a brief introduction screen of the game, i appeared in what seems to be a wide open area with walls making a circle around it. If i had to guess, i'd say it's probably this game's main loby.

Located directly behind the walls is what looks like a town. The town had a medieval look with Wattle and Daub houses, some have stone foundations and others have wooden foundations. I dotted arround and saw a lot of people. I began to get a bit worried as im not so good with handling situations alone, especially with lots of people who i dont know. I frantically looked around to find Kazuto to no avail.

Before long i was approached by a certain black-haired guy wearing a Blue shirt with lether armour above it. He looked similar to Kazuto, if not counting the bangs on the sides of his head.

??? "Hey! Glad to see you made it."

(Y/N) "uhh... do i know you?"

The guy stared and then laughed at me.

??? "Hahahah! Ahh... for the guy who does most of my homeworks, you're not too sharp you know that?"

Does most of his.... wait....

(Y/N) "Kazuto??!!"

Kazuto "Bingo."

(Y/N) "The hell. You scared me!

Kazuto "Why is that?"

(Y/N) "I thought you were just a random stranger!"

Kazuto Is it really that hard to see me?"

(Y/N) "I was looking for Kazuto, my boyfriend. Not some random guy with hair that looks like it needs at least two bottles of hair gel. Then again, i guess that's almost every anime guy's hair ever."

Kazuto "Hahah! Yeah sorry about that. Anyway, come on."

(Y/N) "Huh? Where are we going?"

Kazuto "Im gonna teach you how to play, and get you some better items."

(Y/N) "Oh alright! Sounds fun!"

Kazuto and I walked hand-in-hand into the town. We took a few turns here and there and Kazuto bought me a little dagger, it's stats are a bit better than the short sword i had before. I didnt even know that sword was there, i guess the game just gave it to us by default.

As we turned into a narrow passage way, we were stopped by a guy with a white shirt and lether armour. He had reddish-purple hair and was out of breath by the time he got to us. Kazuto stopped and told me to stay next to him, his grip on my hand getting slightly tighter.

???" *pant pant* Hey you look like you know your way arround here. You're a beta tester aren't ya?"

Kazuto "Y-yea."

??? "Cool! Can you give me tips for the lower levels?"

Kazuto "Uh.. i dont know.."

??? "Oh come on! Please! Hey listen, Im Klein."

Kazuto "uh... well... what do you think (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) "You were gonna be teaching me anyway, why not?"

Kazuto "Alright! You can come with us. Im Kirito by the way"

Kirito? Oh right! That's his gamer name!

Klein "Alright!" He says as he fist pumped. What a weird guy...

Kazuto then took us to one of the lower floors of the game. It was an island with a large open grassy field. Surrounding the skies are other floating islands. The place looked really cool. In the distance i saw the lower leveled enemies spawning, they look like boars with red eyes and pointy tusks.

Kazuto "So you two ready to begin? I'l teach you the basics."

Klein "yeah! Let's get this party started!"

(Y/N) "yep!"

Ooh this is exciting!

And so begins a new tale. Forgive me for slow updates but i have to prioritize school first. Regardless, i hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe and keep smiling! I'll see you all in the next chapter (whenever that is) Bye!!

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